Resident Evil 6 has been given a release date: November 20th, 2012.
And a new TRAILER.
As a huge Resident Evil fan - I'm excited beyond belief. But, I felt this way before and was duped - with Resident Evil 5. I don't care if you believe me or not but I used to watch the Resident Evil 5 trailers EVERYDAY. Not joking. Anytime I turned on my 360 - I'd run the trailer before starting any game. Before going to bed, turn the trailer on. Coming back from work - put the trailer on. You can say I overhyped myself for the game.
The reasoning behind all of that was because RE5 was the first next-gen RE and the graphics were astonishing. The beauty of the game trailers blinded me to care about what was important - the gameplay. When I finally got my hands on the game through my friend - I was sorely disappointed. I beat it and never looked back. All that excitement and hype for nothing.
Which now leaves us with Resident Evil 6. The game is starring Leon and Chris.
There's something about that decision that doesn't sit right with me.
First things first, Leon makes sense - he's been in all the EVEN numbered Resident Evil's TWO, FOUR, and now SIX. Chris on the otherhand he was in the original, Code Veronica, FIVE, and going to be starring in Revelations. I feel that because Chris is already in a RE title this year they could've put in Claire instead. Capcom seems to losing sight of what made the original series so great. I know Sheva was a bad protagonist, but it wasn't because of her character - it was because of the FORCED co-op. She would've been a great and interesting character if I didn't have to operate with her during the game.
I've read that Ada Wong is going to make an appearance(where there's Leon she's not too far behind), so that's interesting but I would've loved to see Claire, Rebecca, or Jill as playable characters within the main story.
Nitpicking aside, the game looks incredible even with all the Gears of War influence. If you don't know what I'm talking about - watch the trailer again because there's no way you could've missed it. Alot of over the top action seems to be the quota for the series after 4, just hoping there's some horror moments throughout the story, because that's why I play these games.
- Rock.
P.S. - Check out the new Max Payne 3 video