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Atomicmuffin254 Blog

Why the Playstation 3 is better than the Xbox 360

The title may come off as a little fanboyish but bear with me I will explain myself. The Xbox 360 is currently in the lead sales wise over the Playstation 3, i think the gap might be around 6 million units or something like that it doesn't matter much only that the Xbox 360 is currently the leader of the two. Looking at the fact that the Xbox 360 has sold more than the Playstation 3 one may assume that it automatically makes it the better console, in fact I know a large number of people who actually believe this, Its not true of course. Up until August the cheapest model PS3 was priced at $399 USD while the cheapest xbox 360 was $199 USD. when that number dropped to $299 USD it was at a competitive edge with the 360, so much so that not long after Microsoft dropped the price of its elite console to the 299 price point. Now for someone who has no gaming system lets say and is deciding between the two systems the choice say two years ago would've been obvious. The 360 saw the release of Halo 3 that year, the PS3 was struggling with exclusives, It had just gotten back its rumble controller with the introduction of the Dual Shock 3 that year, its online service was a mess compared to XBL, and Its price point was astronomically high.

Fast Forward to now and the argument is completely flipped, The PS3 saw the Release of some pretty huge games both sales wise and rating wise this year scoring multiple AAA Exclusives such as Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, Demon Souls, and MLB the Show 09. Its as stated earlier 299 which really is a bargain for the things it can do in comparison to the Xbox 360, and i'm not going to mimic the "It can only do everything" PS3 adds but I will say it has a lot more appealing features for the price point than the Xbox 360 Elite. Same size hard drive, A blu-ray player, Built in Wi-fi, Rechargeable controllers out of the box, Free online play, and the damn thing doesn't RROD on you every few months. While the new Jasper chipsets in the Xbox 360 are supposed to curtail this I can only wait and see as I just got a new Jasper 360 and am hoping that it doesn't break on me like my last four 360s. PSN also has come leaps and bounds from where it was at launch and even from one or two years ago. It still lacks a few features such as cross game chat in comparison to XBL but its free and who doesn't like free. I know Sony has announced they will offer a subscription based PSN account but as long as they keep the features that are in place now for the free version which they say they will and they continue to add new features via firmware releases than I don't foresee any problem with this business model.

PS3 has come along way since its launch in 2006, and i think it still has many more years left in it. The Exclusives that keep pouring out onto the system is long overdue but welcome. Exclusives are what drive a system and right now Sony is dominating, as much as I love Halo 3 ODST it, nor Forza Motorsport 3, nor Halo Wars could put the 360 over top of the Playstation 3 this year, perhaps next year this will change. I foresee the Playstation 3 catching up to the 360 and overtaking it in sales if Microsoft doesn't do something. They are banking on NATAL to refresh the aging 360, I really hope it works, although i'm not a fan of current motion control technologies NATAL could give Microsoft the boost it needs to keep ahead of the Playstation 3. Whether it will prove more successful than Sony's new motion controller I do not know but i do know that as of now the best console in my opinion is the Playstation 3.

PC Elitism

This is my first blog on this site and hell i don't know if anyone is even going to read this but i feel like i need to express my opinions on something I've seen again and again crop up in the forums and messageboards of not only this site but of gaming sites all around the web.

Fanboys drive me out of my mind and i would suspect they do to a lot of people. They have such blind devotion for something that doesn't care about them. And while the (using system wars terminology) lemmings, sheep, and cows duke it out there is a group of gamer i have noticed again and again trying to be the loudest of the group, constantly butting their heads into everything and proclaiming that the PC can do it better, it could be an argument about which company makes the better vacuum cleaner and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if one of them ran into the room screaming PC! PC!

I am of course talking about hermits. Now this does not address all PC gamers or even a majority, only this small and very vocal minority. I can not tell you how many times I've seen arguments between people over say graphics between the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. One person will say their game of choice from their system and the other will combat that claim with their own. and while these two are arguing someone will step in and say lol Crysis or post a thread of Crysis pics. We all know that Crysis has the best graphics from a technical standpoint, we get told that everyday by hermits and in many cases shown. Now a comparison between say Uncharted 2 and Gears of War 2 from a graphical standpoint can be a good debate, and even a debate that includes Crysis or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky or whatever game hermits parade around can still be a good one but when a debate is between two games the people in this debate don't care about a third game because they are focusing on comparing these two games not throwing in every game in existence into their debate. I may be rambling now but it can sometimes be hard to convey how stupid it sounds to me.

Every system has their share of idiotic fanboys unfortunately, but it seems PC gamers are one who feel more entitled than the others to receive stuff for free. Free maps, free mods, free hell, games, some in the L4D2 Boycott demanded that L4D2 be released free on the PC as DLC for that platform. This itself is ridiculous, L4D2 is a true sequel in my opinion it improves upon the original game in every way. Not everything should be free, while i think taking away the ability for the community to create content for a game shouldn't be abridged (I'm looking at you MW2) if a developer decides to charge for something its within their right, they can charge for their creation its how the free market works, don't like it? look elsewhere god knows the PC has such a vast library of fantastic games. The whole if its not good I'll just pirate it mentality among some in the PC community is ludicrous in my opinion and its just that, my opinion. I do expect to get flamed if people to read this but I bet it will be from the people who this blog is directed at.