So I haven't posted in awhile so here's what I think of the 360 update.
It looks nice. I still don't know how to change the theme but I'm sure I'll find out eventually. Avatars are pretty sweet. I like how themes and gamer pics are still incorporated. The only thing I don't like about is that theres still too many options in the menu. I thought the point of it was to make it even easier to access everything but it seems to be just as confusing.
Avatars are sweet so heres my guy rocking the glasses.
Gears of War 2
- I know most of you are jumping in Gears of War 2 and loving it but as an experienced player of the first game I still find it disappointing. I beat the campaign tho and I thought it was pretty fun and the story was obviously better than the first game. Coop is still fun but damn the game is as challenging as ever. Not looking forward to beating the game on Insane.
- Multiplayer still is hit or miss.
- Lag is happening more often in games.
- When your in a 5 person party you basically find a game instantly but takes alot longer with 1-4 people.
- I hate the chainsaw still. If you shoot someone coming at you with a chainsaw it should lower the gun and it should take longer to charge the chainsaw up.
- Shotgun is pretty useless.
- Flamethrower is way overpowered and gay as hell.
- Levels are still pretty boring and too small for 5 v 5.
- Hail and River are the two standout maps for me.
- Canals is as awesome as ever.
- I hate the grenades and I hate how you can put them against the wall. They are cheap and so gimmicky. Epic needs to remove them and just put the regular nades back.
- Also, I also hate them swapping the weapons every round. Its so annoying.
Gears of War is still way better than the 2nd one online in my opinion.
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts / Banjo Kazooie
- Got the game last week but I still havent really put in too much time. I've been playing the arcade version more...which I've gotten to the Haunted Mansion level. But yeah Nuts and Bolts is pretty fun. I find it a tad confusing and would have much prefered a standard platformer but the game isn't bad just takes a lot of time to get use to which I haven't been able to do beacuse of school, work, gears, and socializing.
PS3 + LBP + Wishlist
- Havent spent too much time with my PS3 or LBP. I rather play Gears or Banjo. PS3 looks beautiful. I cant wait to start watching Blu Ray DVDs on it. I Got Tropic Thunder which is a hilarious movie. Watched a couple minutes and it looked awesome even though I only watched it on my 720P TV not my brothers 1080p tv.
- I don't know what it is but I just haven't gotten attached to Little Big Planet. Just like Banjo I rather play a traditional platformer instead of something unique and innovative such as LBP or Nuts and Bolts. I'll give both games the time of day eventually and I can't wait to start customizing.
- I want to get
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Special Edition
- Valkyria Chronicles
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
- Folklore
- Resistance