Mass Effect
So I finally beat Mass Effect. The game is deep in everyway but I have a few nitpicks. The game is very short if you don't do sidequests. You can probably beat it within 10 hours and for an RPG thats very short. Not that its a bad thing. I use to love long games but now I don't have the time for it. The good thing is ME has plenty of replay value. You'll have to play a mininum of 3 times to get all the achievements. Anyways, yeah the story was good and concluded rather nicely. I was thinking that it would end in a huge cliffhanger but it wrapped up nice.
Speaking of wrapping up nicely...this movie did not. It ended abruptly but I thought it was a great movie for what it was trying to do. It actually felt like a Rollar Coaster vibe and also had a Bioshock feel to it except for the fact that the story wasn't good at all but its a monster flick so who cares.
I usually don't talk about TV but I'm actually a TV fanatic. Lost is by far the best show on TV (past, present, and future). Seinfeld and Sopranos are shows that I love but are sadly off air. The Office, Prison Break, Chuck, and Gossip Girl are shows that I'll watch weekly. I also watch the worst show on TV - Heroes. Anyone who likes that show and doesn't like Lost make me laugh because Heroes is a dumb mans Lost. Anyways moving on to my newest TV addiction.
How I Met Your Mother
My newest TV edition. I started watching this show because it was on after The Big Bang Theory and I didn't feel like getting up. I watched the show (ironically the one with Britney Spears but it was unintentional) and didn't stop laughing. I streamed the first season on Fanpop, bought the second season, and then streamed the third season. This has to be by far the funniest comedy on TV. I liked and still like The Office but the horrible hour episodes in September followed by the Strike has made me not really care about the show. Hopefully that'll change on Thursday. However, I recommend HimyM to everyone. It's funny and Neil Patrick Harris is hilarious.
So I haven't had the chance to play any games. I beat Mass Effect like a week ago and since then I havent really played anything besides going back and beating Episode 1 of Half Life 2 again to get the 1 Shot achievement. So because of that I can now officially start Episode 2 which I heard was alot better than the medicore Episode 1. So completing Mass Effect has finally given me the right to say I've beat and played all the quality games I've wanted to of from June 2007 to January 2008. (minus Episode 2 of HL2 and Blue Dragon / Kane and Lynch but they were never really a must play title - I'll pick them up cheap)
- The Darkness (own)
- BioShock (own)
- Halo 3 (own)
- Half Life 2: The Orange Box (own)
- Guitar Hero 3 (own)
- Call of Duty 4 (own)
- Assasin's Creed (borrowed off friend)
- Mass Effect (borrowed off friend but I'll buy it cheap soon)
- Rock Band (played many times with friends but I do not own)
- Burnout Paradise (own)
Now I can move on with games from February 08 and March 08 which had plenty of games I've wanted to play but not necessarily own.
- Devil May Cry 4
- Turok
- Lost Odyssey
- LOST: The Video Game
- Army of Two
- Bully: Scholarship Edition
- Condemned 2: Bloodshot
- Dark Sector
- Rainbow Six: Vegas (Rented it before but it was way too hard. Because of the second one I wanna pick this up cheap and beat it)