So I finally bought Lost Odyssey. I've heard great things and most people say its one if not the most underrated game this generation. So I'll be playing that as soon as I finish Blue Dragon and hopefully I get it done in time for GTA IV.
Blue Dragon
So I'm about 18 hours into the game. I completed the first disk and I am almost finished the second one. The game is great for a $19.99 purchase. The story, like most people have complained about, is very slow and so far not much as happened but hopefully it picks up in the final act. The one thing I love about the game is the epic cutscenes that just work so well. The end of disk 1 is just legendary and the plan to take down Nene's fortress is executed great. But other than the slow storyline and the slightly repetitive gameplay (it is a JRPG) the game is pretty good. Hopefully I'll finish it before Thursday.