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Almost Arrested FTW

Well, thanks to the fact that the weather was terrible, camping ish over ^^

The entire weekend, my uncle was trying to get me to drink... By Saturday night, I was so depressed I was about to take him up on the offer and get totally drunk... But, thankfully, we found a way to break the f*cking monotony =D


My uncle for some reason wanted to ride a cow, so I decided to go with him and record it. He was almost on a cow once before it ran away. Twas hilarious ^^ But right about then, the cops showed up >.> They made me delete teh recording for some reason, then just told us to get out of there. Twas entertaining though =D

Umm.. what else...

OH! That same uncle and I were going down the road earlier today in my aunt's new car, and he decided to see how fast it could go! We were driving at about 100mph for 3 or 4 minutes, then pushed it up to 120 for a few seconds ^^ The speed limit was 60 =3 We didn't push the car as far as we could, but my aunt was screaming at us...

On Friday night, for some reason unknown to me, I couldn't look my dad in the eye... like, at all... Whenever I tried, my eyes just darted away... I was able to on saturday though...

*is watching Wicker Park*

I should be on more often from now on.. But not nearly as much as before still...

Bye ^^