alright so once upon a time, a long time ago in a not so far off place (generally speaking) a little girl caught a pink caterpie on pokemon crystal. my was she excited. but unfortunately, she caught it during one of those contests and it was a very week pokemon. so she traded it in for lvl 14 scyther instead. a few years later, she looks on the internet to find out that a pink caterpie is a SHINY POKEMON, having the chance of about 1 in 8000 chances of catching it. to this very day, she feels liek a loser :[
Autumn_Cherry Blog
work related
by Autumn_Cherry on Comments
working is like the exact opposite of playing video games. too bad you don't get paid to play games.... unlike those lucky bastards on tv, lol. anywho, i noticed, when you're working and you're reeeally bored, just pretend it's a video game (yes, i am that geeky). see it through 1st person or 3rd person just for fun. pretend when ur talknig to people that you can see little text bubbles appear around them. or when you pick up something imagine a little "tingly" music and a "received ______ object!" bubble. believe me, with a little imagination, you can make work like a video game xD
wow, sometimes, i feel sad for myself :3
blarg or blog?
by Autumn_Cherry on Comments
is it supposed to be about video games? or can you just put anything. if not, i guess i kinda broke that rule right then. but gamespot is supposed to be about games right??? not some blogging site like myspace or facebook. let's not even go there. yupp, this site MUST revolve around games (thus the name). so let's move on =)
so today and yesterday some new doors opened up to me in the gaming world. one of them was kingdom hearts. you know the coliseum? in olympus (olympus coliseum w.e) i totally skipped it all the way to end of the world. and by that i mean, i didn't even do the barrel challenge until lvl 83 because i thought i was too weak to compete (sp?? O.o) thank god for alison, lol. just finished the hades cup with goofy and donald and am now currently at lvl 89, woot, woot. now for all the extra junk... lol
next on the list is call of duty. now, i thoguht i was an absolute cruddy shooter. like honestly, i borrowed star wars battle front from my friend and i absolutely SUCKED. so i try call of duty and btw, my friends annie and alison are with me (annie being a kamikaze and ali being a very careful shooter). lo and behold, "Lena, you killed 26 guys!" "I did?!"
for the rest of the night we played taboo
a day in the life...
by Autumn_Cherry on Comments
first blog on gamespot, not much too say. so i'm just going to ramble about a problem i have with games.
now, being a constant video gamer would make people figure "that person must be dedicated" or "that person has no life." i personally like the second one, but alas, both are incorrect for me. though i do spend a lot of time playing video games, i have no dedication to it. i just like having fun a lot and hate being bored. as for "a life," i do have one... it's just outside of my house :)
anyways, to the point, the difference between a dedication to a game and just playing the game is if you're trying to achieve all the extras/actually FINISH the game. both of which i usually never do. my terrible habit of starting a game and not finishing it has been with me since i was 4, playing on the SNES of super mario world and having crazy nightmares of bowser chasing me around in his crazy clown thing. in the end, my fear of him made me never finish the game and since then, i have not been able to finish many of my most prized games. oh sure, i've become much more courageous than my little childish self, but please do realize i am still a child myself.... with a force-of-habit procrastination problem.
anywho, for those who actually read this blog, perhaps you should do something productive instead...such as finishing that new World Ends with You game or checking the reviews for the Naruto flop game. ah well, life goes on and i still haven't finished final fantasy 8 despite spending over 40 hours of mindless training. (i love that game)
til my next inspiration, ciao
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