well, hello. I've decided to put a REAL blog post up. yes, you may or may not be learning about my life with this blog posting, so enjoy! Actually, why am I doing this? Knowing whether or not I'm old enough to drive isn't going to be life changing enough to rock your worlds. oh well. I guess I'm just bored. That, and I got a request for some personal info.
Gender: Girl
Occupation: Loafing, melding with computer, Tech support for aliens
Age: 996487. as far as you know.
Name: Blank
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: shrimp and chocolate. and cake.
Other sites I am involved with: Fanfiction.net (as Avearia) , Neopets.com (as angeleclipse), legendaryfrog.com (as natamember)
Well, personal info. bad stuff. congradulations! you've learned about me. sorta. I should've just put something like this...
information about this user;
"Catlike appearance. eats pocky and string. walks on walls. possibly an alien."
Wow. long post. oh well. Now I shall leave you. But first, a hearty song.
Home, home on the prarie...
where the deer and the buffalo reign...
where seldom is heard
a politically correct word,
and the skies... are partly cloudy all day.