sorry, I must rant. I mean, I've got to live in the stupidest town ever, we've already got christmas songs cranked up on the radio. right after thanxgiving... right after thanksgiving, they started playing Xmas songs! and no, the STUPIDITY does not stop there. not only are they playing Christmas songs a full month early, they've also converted one of my favorite stations for mixed rock to an XMAS PLAYING ALL THE F****** TIME STATION! I mean SERIOUSLY, PEOPLE!! if I'm really going to have to listen to this for 30 days strait, I'm going to loose my mind! yesterday I tried to think how the calandar only had 30 days on it, because I was sure it was December. no joke. I even sang the song... thirty days hath september, april june and NOVEMBER. except I kept saying "so that means December has 31 days, why aren't there 31 days on the calandar?!?" Ugh. all thanks to that dumb music, no doubt.
agh, enough ranting. I'm going to bed. bye!