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AvengerIII's forum posts
Animation made that combines Rhythm heaven and Pokemon. Enjoy guys
Hey guys,
Recently got a PS3 so I only own a couple of games and I'm looking to get a new one. What would you guys suggest? Was thinking about picking between the following:
God of War Collection (and GoW 3 later on down the road)
Demon's Souls (I know it got great reviews but I'm hesitant to get a brutally hard game =)
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
Feel free to add your own (don't want another shooter atm though)
Depends on what kind of game you're looking for and what kind of rig you have.
If you want FPS and have a decent rig, get COD4 because the multiplayer is awesome and the SP is the best I've played in a FPS. If you have a pretty dang good rig, get Crysis because the graphics are amazing but only if you have a high end comp. If you want an all around fun package I would recommend The Orange Box because its very enjoyable.
Seems the market this month is saturated with FPS games. But if you're not looking for a FPS, I've heard good things about the Witcher.
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