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AveragePumpkin Blog

The end of Oblivion

Oh cruel world why does it have to do this to me, what is wrong whit my X360, what unknown Evil mastermind is behind this, the end of my Oblivion game is here.

Yes if anybody is reading this your not reading wrong, this is indeed a black chapter of my sorry life, my elder scrolls oblivion is drawing its last breath in this weary moment, and why you maybe asking, well i tell you why, its because that, well actually i don't have the slightest idea of why it is, but i have hunch.

The reason is simply the x-box 360, yes you are still not reading wrong, my 360 is closing the yaws of Oblivion, simply because (or at least i think) i have been playing it to much, there is now a pure white, i think i will call it a track on the CD, yea you read it, my Oblivion game have been spinning so much that my 360 cant read it anymore, my 360 have killed it, at the moment i am not able to talk to half of all the Imperial women's in the game, but only if they are of the Imperial race, this means i cant talk to For example, the chorrol smith Rasheda i think, the battle matron in the imperial city Arena, and other Imperial chars.

You can probably imagine how irritating this is, because this means i cant complete some quests in the game, like for an example challenge the gray prince and things like that, this all comes in the most critical time, because of the new shivering isles expansion, that i ain't totally done exploring.

so know i have to buy a game i already own, which is a thing i hate to do, mostly because i think its a waste of money, ohh EVIL EVIL WORLD.

New bloggers first blog

well were to start...

look that is an interesting question, mostly because i newer have blogged before and don't have the slightest clue of how this works, i cant even find my way around this site whit all the new member functions and stuff.

well enough of my silly excuses for now, or wait one more, I'm crappy at grammar as you might already have found out, so my spelling is s..., just so that you know, which means that i don't want to find myself floded in hate mail and my frinds and fammilie kidnapped by the time i wake up tomorow, just because some stupid self avenging hero have to play, well hero.

 and now back to my question about what to write or as it says "were to start".......... well to be totaly honest i don't have any ide so why not just start whit some stupid thing like um...... care bears, yea guess thats a good idea, (of course its a good ide silly, your a genius for christ sake) well um i don't like care bears...... (wow great going, genius my a.., great god *sight*)

well um and now to the real business, im a new member and well i joined because i think that it would be nice to be a member of one of biggest gaming comunities ever... so um here i am hope that you all wont hate me to much just because im Danish and that SOME of my kinsmen have been painting some bad things:oops:.

(hey found a spellchecker, that way my gramma mybe wont be that bad after all, but it still aint good, well i aint gonna delete it all if thats what you think, of course you dont cause you will first be reading this when this post has already been posted haha sucker)

 Note for myself: hope i will be able to actualy find this one again, guess it will just dissapear into the the everlasting arcives of blogs, or else it will be conveniently accesible through my user menu thingie, well we will find out soon wont we? and um dont call people suckers they might dont like it.