Is there a decent flight stick that I can use on both ps3, and PC I play ace combat infinity on ps3 and War Thunder on PC.
AvnKnight's forum posts
So basically your paying 15 dollars a month to use all the features for 2 years and you get a 2 year warranty. Maybe I missed something but can you just buy this console and then go buy a 1 year gold?
I wouldnt mind if it did, was playing RE the other day I could go back to that style and not miss Re5 style at all. I think it mostly has to do with the older games were alot more scary/horror filled from the enviroments to the enemies you fought its not like how Re5 is where you almost never worry about anything except shooting at whats in front of you and moving onto the next checkpoint.
350 seems like way too much probaly added the extra 150 for the damn controller.
Now thats what I call innovation.
LOL you're a fool. There were Halo tournaments and even current COD touraments off the top of my head that offer thousands and thousands in prize money. There have been numerous that I've seen over the years that have had prize money of $100,000.
You = complete noob.
Yeah but you fail to remember that when you divide up the money between 4 players thats a measley 25,000 each and in CoD its only 20,000 dollars each LOl!!! and these tournaments that are huge like that barely ever come around. I mean dude get real divide 5000 up between 4 players and thats not even 2k each, if you wanna play games for tournament money thats worth a damn then your playing the wrong games...
"a measley 25,000 each"...whoa, sorry there Bill Gates :lol: You're forgetting there's plenty of these tournaments throughtout the calender year and you get sponsered etc.
There is so much fail here I am just lost for words...also comapring chess to video games? :lol: , that sounds fun...NOT.
You're basically just a noob at games so don't worry, you wouldn't reach a good enough level anyway. Stick to chess :lol:
Ahh so your one of those kids that probaly doesnt have a job or buy anything or else youd know that 25k really isnt much money my car cost over half that Lol!, not to mention you could barely even live one calender year that much money... And no im not comparing chess to video games, if you could read the topic title says dedicate yourself to high skill gams and Im using examples as to why spending thousands of hours trying to play a video game at high level is so pointless cause theres no real pay off for your sills.. Where poker, pool ping pong almost any other games taht require thousands of hours of playing to get good at have hundreds of thousands and million dollar prizes and tournaments. So again I say if you wanna play games for tournaments with real money then your playing the wrong games... simple as that.
And it wont be KH3 like it never is.
Would be cool to fight with the girl from Kameo I dont know why but for some reason when I read this I randomly thought of that game.
If you want Max Payne 4 to come out buy Max Payne 3. See I can do it too.
If its Co-oP then cool but if its MP competitive then its sole purpose is so they can sell DLC. Not to mention I cant really get into a competitive MP in a hack N slash.
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