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Happy new years 2010

Hope everyonewill havea great 2010 gaming experience this year. ;)

I'm looking forward to mass effect 2, FFXIII (I can't help it, I think Im just addicted to these japanese rpgs for the lulz), and a few other games. This weekend, study a bit for my examinations and play a bit of Dead Space, and Fall Out 3.

it was a mini-blizzard last night

and i loved it! I love the snow! Other than that, since I haven't mentioned gaming, I'm on level 3 of FallOut3 on my PS3. I thought it'd be better to play it on the console than on the PC, but you know what? I still got dizzy after 45 minutes and had to stop. So now I can only play 45 mins of gametime before I start having vertigo. LOL. I don't know what's up with me these days but other first shooter or first person games don't affect me like that. Well, the other day after running, afterward I came home, took off my jogging shoes, pants and shirt and then started feeling really dizzy that I fell down on the couch for a minute. I'm thinking it has a lot to do with my allergies. Today, I got to see Avatar, the film. That was really great.

Well I feel a load better

This place has a lot of great people. It's a shame that I haven't been here in over a year, since sept.2008 I believe, but you know, life gets in the way and you dont have time to game as much or keep up with forums or using your spare time to read alot online. I usually like to read offline and buy books. Although, I'm thinking about getting that Kindle, where I can use it while I'm sitting in the train and I don't have a few books bulking up my tote bag or anything. Let's see, it snowed here alot and I love the snow! I can't wait to go ice skating. I think, other than indoor swimming, that's about the only thing aside from running that I like to do during the winter. I don't really count cycling as much, as I use that when I go shopping or just cycling to and fro to a friend's place. Gaming looks pretty decent for this coming 2010: FFXIII coming up and Mass Effect 2! I can't believe I spent so much time over a year ago on that game. it's one of the few games i really got so into.


haven't been here in over a year.

It's winter time again, and it's gaming for me, on the side. Got Dragon Age, but I'm playing through Fall Out3 for the PS3, because I couldn't get used to the controls last year when I got it for the computer.

new changes give me a headache.

Well I haven't been here in a long while. And the changes have been interesting but gave me a throbbing headache. Not hard to figure out, but it's still a pain in the rear, considering it's nice with familiarity and all. Been on vacation and other summer fun stuff. Of course, coming on the 21st soon, and summer's going to be over. what sadness. I have, however, been playing some games here and there while doing outdoor activities. I went on a week bike ride tour of the country, sort of, and highly enjoyed it. Of course, after nearly four hours on the bike riding at a steady speed, I realise that I need to get my ass into more rigorous excercise. I get up super early now, and while even though i do stay up late, due to playing some video games (Will that ever get out of my blood--? nay, i think not. ) I like sitting in the sun, on the beach, and playing a bit of football, jogging, biking, and swimming. It has been really fun, especially away from the computer. I didn't even go online at all just to check my emails! Though, i had remembered that after 3 months, yahoo deletes everything out of your account if you don't log in once. Those bastards. what if I dont want to check anything for half a year? lol. hotmail is even worse!

Gaming wise, i've just been lugging my laptop around, playing some PC gaming here and there, even when I went away to go to some cottage for a couple of weeks: They had that Shakespeare play that was featured in the woods somewhere. Well, those actors are amateurs, but they sure acted very professional. The only thing that didn't look professional, is that you can tell they were villages: too many beers and hearty sausages in the gut I say. lol. I can't help it. I'm so bad. Wickedly so, but very good. Anyway, there's more, like say, my PC gaming ventured more into the WRPG aspect, and it's absolutely frustrating to say the least. Lots of saving, and too much time consumption. Finished Icewind Dale I, II, and all the expansions, and already half way through Baldur's gate. I am exhausted with PC gaming, and the PSP isn't getting any cuddling from me lately. I think I've just about exchanged that sort of gaming to sit in the sun and read a good thick book. Something that a lot of studious chicks usually like to do. lol. Before I make this into some kind of mini-novel, that's it for now. Gaming back to the console perhaps in the autumn or deep in the winter. Need to get some boots for the winter too. (side thought -shopping--what girls like to do, to look nice.)

really addicting wrpg

though you know, i played many hours with FFXII. lol. So KotOR is a great game: i'm really addicted to it now. I'm thinking about doing the darkside next. I thought I'd have time to get to II, but that'll have to tide me over later. It wasnt like playing crysis (FPS)or any pc game, because i'm just not used to playing rpgs on PC at all. lol. I have some games I own that are in line for some PC gaming later: i have them on my ownership list, though I'm not going to play them just yet. My favourite characters in the game are the little Droid, HK-47, and Juhani. Those three are my absolute favourites to have in my party, oh and I like having Canderous in my party since he's strong and my tank. But he's so-so with me. He's a bit abrasive, though he does have some interesting moments, like screaming out, 'take that! that's what you get!' just ridiculous sayings that sound funny out of him. Okay, i do like him, only that i really love the other three so much. I know the droid isn't that powerful, though i prolly need to find better parts; i just love little robots and he's so very cute. I want a little droid. And there's Hk-47! wow! i love him to death! he's fantastic. And here i thought i'd be almost done. lol. there's just too many areas to go to, and quests, so what was i thinking?

i dont think i'll bother to romance Carth; i dont dislike him, i think he's okay :) but he's really not my type. lol! Besides, it's odd,in this game i dont have the urge to want to try out the romances. I do think bastilla is pretty cool too; a bit snooty, but she's cool. Given her background, it's easy to see. It's interesting that one can't recognise her VO. the VO actress did a great job. If i do romance anyone, i'll try male soldier jedi with bastilla and turn her to the dark side. yeah!

Since it's a game that came out five years ago, i was hesitant to play it because it was, erm, set in the SW universe. And i guess, the overkill of SW did me in that i didnt want to hear it anymore. But, wow, it brings back memories when I was a kid and fell in love with SW. I suppose it's me trying to feel all grown up and that I dont need such childish things such as SW anymore. lol. Even though, ironically, playing video games can be considered childish :P But who cares. After i'm done with II, i really want to get Jade Empire now. :) I'm so happy i met this game. ^_^ one of my gfs who lives in Alabama keeps urging me to play it, but i used to tell her, all right, all right, soon. lol.

Oh, i keep forgetting to mention, that I loved MGS4 too; it's like all the other MGS's i've played with of course, variations. I had a difficult time in the beginning for some odd reason, but i clearly got used to the control of the game. It's interesting that MGS3 had a lower game score on this site than MGS2 and this one; I do agree with the ratings too. I loved all the MGS's but despite the fact that I was disappointed I had to play as Raidan, it was still sucking me in, and i couldnt get enough of it. MGS3 had a great story, with the older young snake back in the past: the big boss and her patriotism, the james bond-like soundtrack, the old man sniper, ectect. K, that's it for me on the gaming dept. i dont know if i'll be able to get on a computer while i'm in california because honestly, i'm more interested in going out: beaches, surfing, scuba diving, driving up to san francisco, going to outdoor events. I already do some outdoor activities here; i force myself to have a set schedule, and moderate my jogs, work out sessions, sports activity a few times a week; but lately gaming has been occupying me. And it's really very warm here, I love it.

I guess i'll chalk up this month for part gaming, then in the winter, there's a few good ones coming out. i noticed that i didn't do any clubbing/dancing so far this summer. Guess that's a good thing. lol. My g/fs think my gaming time is too ridiculous. And it's not even that much. I did manage to go to some museum activities; hang out at the beach; sailing; bird watching up north (yeah i know lol), and there's events coming up that i may not make here. I've been looking for new racing bikes. It appears that I need a racing bike for September, and they run around 3000-1500 euros. Sometimes, even more. I'll really have to look around for a decent one: i'm not looking for a fancy expensive piece. I won't even use it after the event, i think. So, i'll search around for a less expensive, sturdy bike. Ah, damn, i missed the comic convention that was out in san diego: i forgot that it was held every year this month. it's not as if i could have gone anyway since i needed to renew my passport earlier. Well, they have an annual anime convention here but i never go. i like some animes, but not a whole lot. :) Laters.

wrpg strikes again.

I'm (NOT) nearly done with KotOR, and I really like it. :D I started playing through the game as a female (Mara), and she's a scout. Sure, I was thinking, maybe a soldier, but then...I want a little challenge? Not that this game needs any challenge. And the game isn't difficult at all: I even figured out how to get that last guy (Bounty head) in the arena without looking it up. As soon as I threw a grenade, he threw one, which made my character run, run run. I was dreading that race earlier, because it's been awhile since I've played any 'racing' games; yet, it was a piece of cake, so to speak. Playing on the PC wasn't too difficult either. I realise I also have Planescape as well, since the guy who slapped down the BG series on the table gave it to me. I'm thinking, uh...I don't have time for this. lol. Lack of sleep playing an SW game and getting up early in the morning--having a schedule--makes me want more iced coffee or something. It's pretty hot around here. (the weather has actually turned up for the better).

In late September, after I get back from the U.S, there's a Ladies Bike race which I'm going to enter:http://www.leontiensladiesride.nl/shertogenbosch.html. Guess i'll spiffy up my bike. haha. Ladies from all ages can enter too, so maybe I should ask my grandmother to come? lol. A few years back, my cousin entered the run-a-thon and though she was basically at the last group of people, she made it! The men outran the women, and yes, people from all over the world came and entered the race. (it was for a good cause) So, it didn't matter who won, but that most of them completed the race. However, there were people that didn't even make the time constraints (my cousin did), just barely. And there were people who fell out of the race. Now, since that was a few years ago, she's so much fitter and skinnier too. And she could run circles around a lot of people: probably would have been in the middle of that race instead of the last group if she entered now. It's just that, physically, men usually outrun women. (why the genders are sometimes separated); of course, this is if the male is physically in top fitting form, and so is the female; if the male has a beer gut and hasn't worked out, and the female is in top shape: wellll... it all depends. But I'm just talking about in general. In August, there's an annual competition down south: air race sponsored by Red Bull. I guess red bull gives them wings. *lame I know* Lol! So, i'm in a funny mood. I guess I'll take a break from gaming a bit after i finish up with this game then later, start up kotOR II.

What's the real reason? for ffxiii to 360?

Well i can't find the article, but here's one that is supposed to be for the benefit of all:


I suppose it's because square enix wants sony to be 'exclusive' to gaming. Sony isn't doing that with PS3: PS3 is available for downloading films, and everything else that isn't 'gaming exclusive'; therefore, unlike 360, squeenix brings it to microsoft. True, the 360 has always been for gaming alone, and there's actually so many other games that are a lot of fun on the 360. However, there are still benefits for having a ps3. If only the ps3 was just as cheap as a 360. The blue ray is what reeled me in. Okay, I just totally missed the reclame, or rather the advertisement where everyone or anyone for a limited time could get a wii FREE! Where was I? So my friends got a free wii sent to them, with one free game. What luck for them. I really need to read my magazines more often, or read for any exclusive contests happening in certain areas. I'd buy it, but why? I have so many other games to play I can't keep up, with that and doing outdoor fun/activities in the summer. I love gaming in the winter though.

Anyway, basically: what was through the article, which I don't have, and have been mentioned many times with some of my male friend gamers (I don't know any girl gamers, okay? Not where I live, anyway, only in other countries), they say that Squeenix is saying that 360 will most likely be their choice for future FF games, and a BIG maybe for the PS3. I suppose it's because, like the PSP/PS3, sony believes that the consumer wants a multimedia platform. While big time gamers want exclusively for games. Yes, the 360 can play DVDs, so can the PS2, but it was always a focus on gaming alone.

My exp. on PC gaming: it's still very big here in Europe, and there's a lot of games that are still being played on PC alone. However, it really depends on the game. Some games are better on console, IMO, and that's why you have the handheld controllers. They're so much easier than using a mouse, and I seriously do not want to buy a separate device to attach to the PC. My first gaming experience on the PC: Vampire the Masquerade. First time, I was really impressed at the time, but I realised that gaming would be very bad for me if I didn't balance my social life, and my school correctly. Sometimes, the stories are so good, that one gets so obsessed to finish the game as soon as possible. I haven't gotten that way in a long time actually. I can honestly say that most games allow me to take breaks (these are also very good games though); but it's been awhile since I want so much to clear it within that week. Good thing too. It's good to take breaks. Even for hours, days away or weeks. lol. I think though as you get older, past your teens and into your twenties, one tends to get jaded. Now, I'm not really sure, because I do know a few gamers who are older, and they seem to highly enjoy gaming all the time. Well, right now, PC gaming, putting in an hour a day for KotOR, and i've already peeked into Baldur's gate: i already installed it, and made a half elf for myself. Interestingly, whenever I play a role, I always choose paragonish replies. Sometimes, when the situation calls for it, I like the neutral responses: because some of the paragon responses are ridiculous, and most often the renegade ones are just over the top mean. lol. So funny. Although, at times, I want to be a b!tch. Why does being mean always niche me as being a she-dog since i'm female? I swear, girls always get labelled, so do guys. Ironically, labels are necessary for identification.

Well, I'm off on my nightly jog after dinner. I once in awhile have a small dinner while playing a game on PC. It's so much easier to chow down in front of the computer than trying it with a console. hah. Good thing I don't eat very much. Except for this afternoon. Barbeque heaven. Some people just don't know how to stop tempting others with their skill at BBQing. (roll eyes) haha.

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