Sega Dreamcast 2- How could Sega regain themselves in the console market
First of all, is it even true? Are Sega really making the Sega Dreamcast 2? Well, according to this possibly false information: Back in August, Sega filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office to protect the Dreamcast trademark. Now their original filing is good until December of 2009, this new filing has added some new terms to the mix that are sparking speculation of a Dreamcast 2 being in the cards, yes, it may be happening.
Now, I haven't seen any official news statements about this on the official Sega website, but if Sega really are making the sequel to the short-lived but much-loved Sega Dreamcast, then it opens up a whole new leaque of oppurtunites for the company, and opens up a whole lot of barriers that really shun the chances of a Dreamcast 2. In this blog, I will be discussing how Sega can make this dream of the Dreamcast 2 come true, and how some things will make this most likely fanboy dream never happen.
Things they need to do to make it happen:
1) IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF GAMING FRANCHISES- I don't just mean the obvious target from Sega- Sonic, I mean a lot of their franchises. Sega seem to have forgotten what makes a good game. Good, tight controls, unique gameplay, a well-thought-out structure, everything. If you play most of their games, and reboots: Samba De Amigo, you'll see what I'm talking about. Sega have been releasing some quality titles though lately, but if Sega really want this console to sucseed, they need games that play well, and actually are orginial, as Sega seem to usually reboot franchises and these reboots are quickly forgotten. NEW GAMES, SEGA!
2)RELEASE NEW FEATURES THAT BOTH ARE POPULAR IN CURRENT-GEN, AND SOMETHING THAT WAS NOT ON THE DREAMCAST BEFOREHAND- Does every console need features that current-gen consoles have? Nope. Not really. But, the Dreamcast is techincally one of the golden oldies of modern consoles. The Sega Dreamcast 2 will need a new hook- a reason for people to buy it. Sega could do it the safe way, and release an online and headset application that every new console has, or do something different, like maybe have remakes of Sega Genesis/Megadrive consoles avabile on the system's interface. NEW HOOK, NEW FANS SEGA!
3) MAKE THE CONTROLLER LESS BULKY- For those who actually have the Dreamcast (like me), did anybody feel that the controller felt uncomfortable when you played a game? I did. The whole thing felt rather heavy and clunky, but it was a functional controller. Make more easy to hold, Sega, and to stop feel like there is so much pressure resting on your hand. Want some examples, Sega? Go and play with an Xbox 360 controller. There's your purest example. LESS HEAVY CONTROLLER, MORE PLAYABILTY, SEGA!
4) HAVE A COMPELLING NAME, OR CHANGE IT/ALTER NAME OF CONSOLE- Does the Dreamcast need to change it's name to have gamer's attention. No. Not really. In fact, it's the least important reason to release a new console that will be profitable. And hey, some companies haven't changed their name very much, such as, Sony PlayStation. But, some people will feel you are rehasing an old console, and some people wouldn't care. Change it's name if you want to appeal to hardcore gamers, Sega. But they console would still probably sell if you called it Dreamcast 2. It's up to you, Sega. NEW NAME, NEW PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN, SEGA!
5) RELEASE RE-MAKES OF SEGA FAVOURITES, OR REGAIN POPULAR GAMES SUCH AS SOULCALIBUR TO GET ATTENTION- Every console had launch titles. Some launch titles have worked (such as Uncharted for the PlayStation 3), and some have failed (Resistance for PS3. C'mon people! The attention flickered out rather quickly for that game). Sega, if you released a collection of 2D cellshaded remakes in one game, or maybe regain popular series under your belt, such as Soulcalibur, the console would definetely have a fighting chance to survive. INTRESTING TITLES, MORE PROFIT SEGA!
Well, there are some of the reasons of how the Dreamcast 2 could work. But, there are some things that will generally get in the way of the Dreamcast 2 really happen. The orginial Dreamcast just didn't make enough money. Would a sequel to a console that financially flamed out initally really have a chance surviving? Probably not. Also, Sega have been through a lot recently. Due to them quitting the console race, Sega have just lost their creative process. Would they regain it in time for a new system? Sega really don't have anything to give for consoles eitherway, because Sonic, Samba De Amigo and even licsensed games such as Bleach: Shattered Blade for the Wii have been generally poorly recieved lately.
Do I think the Dreamcast 2 would survive? Yes. The reasons I just mentioned do give the idea some potential. But really, Sega need to show us they care about us again, and that they still have something to give for the gaming crowd. Also, please do remember, the Dreamcast 2 is just a old rumor I found from a amaetur site, so it maybe a dream from a fanboy. You can see where I found it here:
So, what about you guys? Do you want a Dreamcast 2? Do you think it would work? Please send me a PM, or leave a comment. AweWii.
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