AwesomeMegaMan's forum posts
I like Thousand Year Door, because it had so much awesome stuff, like sidequests and a secret character. I played the first, but haven't finished it, so I'm not a fair judge. The third game wasn't really a Paper Mario game, it was more of a normal 2-D Mario game with a twist, but I liked that as well, but it can't compare to the other ones.
Super Mario World (GBA), Sonic DX, or....
Yugioh Dark Duel Stories!!!
Crazy, isn't it?
Super Mario World: Age 7 or something
Sonic DX: Age 8 or so
Yu-gi-Oh!: Age 4 or 5
This is gonna sound crazy, but I honestly liked the Sonic Adventure games a lot. Maybe because they were one of my first games I played, but now I still think they are excellent, however buggy the first may be.
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