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Console Wars!

I currently own a Wii and a 360 Elite. But lately I've completly ignored the Wii and it's games (save GoldenEye).The PS3 entered my sights ever since I saw infamous. But I thought the Price of that and PS3 would be to much and I could not thinkof many games on PS3 I couldn't get on 360.So I looked And here's my list:infamous, uncharted, Killzone2, Racet and Clank, MotorStorm Apocalypse, Shadow of colosses, and Twisted metal. That's 7 games on PS3 compared to 1 on Wii. So I would sell my Wii and all it's games and use the cash to get a PS3. Message me about my plan. Note: I would NEVER sell the 360.