Forget Fallout!!!!
WHen I first turned this game on I was blown away by the level of customization. I really felt as if I was a deadly assaian, running around killing people for fun. You can really tell that Bethesda put alot of time into this masterpiece.
Before I played this game, Fallout 3 was my fave game. I thought everything about it was perfect. Well compared to this, Fallout really did deserve the 9/10.
At first I was a bit sceptical about the graphics (since the game came out around 4yrs ago) but I was so terribly wrong. The graphics here are pretty amazing and have not aged at all.
The story is alot more immersive than alot of other games. I abslutly loved the idea of Oblivion gates and secret organizations. The side quests are amazing too (with the exception of a few fetch quests) and the guilds quests (Arena, Fighters, Mage, Thief, Dark Brotherhood) are alot (ALOT) of fun.
However this game does have a few flaws, mainly technical. When walking through the massive map you will encounter alot of "loadind areas" and the surrounding area only pops in when youare at a certain distance. Facial animations could be improved and some of the main quests (i stress "some") ,the quests where you must retrieve something to progress the story, could have been improved.
Overall ,Oblivion is an amazing, exciting, beautiful game that any RPG fan could enjoy.