Just curious, wondering who took longer than me. It kicked my ass the whole time, and when I finally finished, it had taken me 45 hours of playtime :0
Axle123's forum posts
Hm.. well...
- First online experience: Back when I had 56k, I first tried Halo PC online, and I got into my first online game ever, and it was so laggy but I saw people jumping around and fighting each other, and vehicles driving and flying around, and idk, I was in awe. I couldn't believe I was online, for the first time, interacting with human players. It was an awesome moment/feeling
- The rolling credits in Ocarina of Time when the camera pans through all the areas you visited throughout the journey, added with the music. Epic
- Deus Ex 1
- Beating Alma in Ninja Gaiden; I stood up and screamed as if it was the frickin super bowl or something
- The fight with the Cyborg ninja from Metal Gear Solid
- After every JRPG I manage to finish, that emotionally exhausted feeling I get afterwards
- After playing Grand theft Auto 2 for so long, and then playing GTA3 for the first time. Pretty insane, being able to drive around and shoot cops in 3d, and listening to the radio. Haha, good times
- Super Mario 64
-In Super Smash Brothers: Brawl, me and my 2 best friends were playing together, I was Toon Link, and my friends were Cpt. Falcon, and Wolf. We were fighting a level 9 Pikachu -_- and he was on his last life, and my friend paused the game and sighed, looked to us and said "Someone grab him and I'll falcon punch him," Then he unpaused and not even a half second later, we did just that and killed him. Lol we all screamed and gave each other knucks. Hahaha
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