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AzarothDarkmaw Blog

Seiken Densetsu

Hey there, it's me and this is my first rant. About what you say? Why Seiken Densetsu of course. Starting with Final Fantasy Adventure (Seiken Densetsu) the series got off to a great start for those who don't know. I could continue its history, but I don't feel like it cause this is about something else from this great series. Some people seem to think the series has declined in the past years, I disagree. I love its earlier and later incarnations all the same and I see nothing wrong with them. Gameplay of the series has changed a bit but the core of Seiken Densetsu is still there, and even though its a little different i think its all for the better. So in closing for  this rant (since I'm tired of typing), take a hard look at the past games compare them with the new games and ask yourself did anything really go wrong with the direction of the series. I say not at all.