So, in biology, we obviously study evolution. And, as a reoccuring theme in that class, my friends and I talk about pokemon. A whole lot. So, it's only natural that, when the subject of evolution came up, pokemon were very widely... talked about.
Our first "project" for evolution we had made a fish out of random characteristics the teacher gave us. It was amusing as none of them really fit with each other.
But, we were allowed to have a few modifications we made ourselves. Here was where it got fun.
It seemed as though most of the fish were starting to become knock-offs of pokemon. My friend Elbert's had a horn just like a Goldeen. Whereas my friend Taewan's had a mouth like a psyduck. He even went so far as to called it that--psyduck. I could immediately see a trend emerge.
So here comes my chance to shine. We've got this project where we have to draw/describe an animal as we imagine it will be in the future. Obviously, my first thought was: POKEMON. All that's left is a choice... which one, which one?
And, if you think about it, Pokemon work perfectly for the evolution chapter. I mean, they evolve constantly and more keep popping up.
Oh, pokemon, how much you've taught me. No seriously. A LOT of things I learn from pokemon. Now they're teaching me biology. Hah.
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