Okay, well, to anyone who doesn’t know I suffer from a chemical unbalance in my brain. This causes anxiety attacks and chronic depression (go me).
So for the past three and a half weeks I’ve stopped taking my meds because I’m tired of them dictating my personality. So I’ve been a tad, edgy of late, and my edgy I of course mean that I walked out of my Math classroom which, in hindsight, probably wasn’t too smart. I’m just tired of being made to feel like an idiot because I don’t know concepts, I mean, I can’t remember my flippin locker combination over the summer an they expect me to remember the formula for like eighty different things, yeah right.
Well my Mom, who teaches at my school, came home in tears saying how embarrassing I was and how she wanted to drive off a cliff, well sorry for **** up her life! I’m just tired, my heart causes my actual pain (Suppose I should have that looked into). Well, my Mom started to threaten to take away Japan (I’m going there for a year) What she doesn’t seem to realize is that if she took away Japan I’d kill her, people who don’t know me will think I’m joking, even people who know me might think I’m joking, well if she takes Japan away from me they can explain how they thought I was joking to the cops.
I'm just sick of it, of everything I wish I could just fall away from it all and never stop, because it's not the fall I'm afraid of, it's what's waiting at the bottom for me.