AznEvan / Member

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3DS Release and Some Other Thoughts

Sunday, Mar. 27/2011:

Well, the 3DS was just released today, and it looks really good! Although, I think it may be best to wait it out until more games come out. At the moment, there are very few games that interest me. It's really too bad that Nintendo put a region code on the hand-held system though...I was really looking forward to getting Japanese games and playing them on the 3DS...I think they are trying to make more money out of their consumers by doing so, and I can see why.

Other than that, the 3DS has some new features that look very neat! I can't give you any details at the moment, because I don't know much else...Even though it was just released today. xD; The retail price of $250 for the 3DS is a little expensive, so I'm not sure if it's worth it to buy it right away (Even though it seems a lot of people are doing so anyways because the 3D use can even be used for games without 3D.)
