Thursday, Feb. 24/2011:
I wonder...Should I trade in my DSiXL to EB Games for a $125 value towards a 3DS? I bought my DSiXL for $120 (on a rare sale from Zellers), so I'm getting more than what it's worth lol. But then again...I want to keep my DSiXL, because it's so cool! And I'm really interested in seeing what new features the 3DS will have. It's going to be so hard to decide!! D:
On another note, I bought Hyperdimension Neptunia a few days ago which also happened to be the very last copy of the limited edition too! I'm quite lucky!! xD I got it for $60 as well, what a deal, eh? It comes in a bigger box with an art book of concept art, character models, and some other things! I'm planning to play it today, and see if my wait was worth it.