The thing to remember about the Orange Box is that the PS3 version wasn't done by Valve. It really is a shoddy port. Given this, I'm not sure the comparison is fair. Otherwise the other three games are all done in-house by major developers. I think they present a fair comparison. The PS3 has been said to have better anti-aliasing while many people seem to prefer the 360's color palettes. That said, I'm of the personal opinion that we're seeing the higher end of what the 360 is capable of, while the PS3 has quite a bit of untapped potential. The original Xbox had great graphics but they didn't improve substantially over the life of the system. Sony's consoles have always been strange beasts and the Cell processor doesn't seem to be an exception. Compare launch PS2 games to God of War 2 and it's sometimes hard to believe they run on the same system.
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