Yeah.. Resident Evil 4 was really scarry :D but Dead Space didn't scare me at all :) Doom 3 was far much scarrier :)
Azre103's forum posts
I don't know what's going on with horror games genre. I haven't played a game that scared me since Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
I thought Alien Isolation would be scarry since everyone hyped it so much, but i got scared a maximum of 3 times in the whole game (it was a good game though). It's just me? I remember when I was playing doom 3 and the atmosphere and enemies in that game scared the shit out of me. I heard about some japanesse horror games that are really scarry, but other than that what it is, at least for now? Also, currently which are your favourite horror games?
@sellotapegamer: not this one unfortunatelly. i remember that at a level you had to fight a boss magician who could appear in different parts of the screen.
Ok.. thi may be very hard but.. whatever... So... This game that I remember.. I can remember very few things but I'll try.
The game is either from Nintendo or Sega I think. Timeline 1990-1998
I think it was a very popular game since it was awesome. The first thing that i remember is a nice relaxing song after you would finish the game,
and i remember also that was more than one characters for you to play with not 100% sure), each with it's own powers. The objective was to get through the level and fight the boss to get to the next level. I think the final objective was to save the city (tough, the level aren't in a city.
Genre: Action, fantasy, Adventure
At that time I was playing games like contra, Super mario, Harry potter 2d, tank, Road fighter.
Just throw me a bunch of games of that period and maybe I'll find it myself :)
P.S. it was 2d
Which do you think it is the most difficult game you've ever played?
put them here and maybe we'll give them a shot ;)
Well... It's my first MGS but i really enjoyed it... Definitely better than Splinter cell in my Opinion. I just don't see a better stealth game than Phantom Pain (When it's gonna come out). It's nothing out of the ordinary but it is done with very good taste.
Feel free to share with us the reason why are you playing games, How it all started or what keeps you going :)
2014 Was bound to be an awesome year too but it was rather disappointingly. Watch dogs, Titanfall, Destiny, Unity, Far cry 4..... They're decent games but I really hope 2015 really does live up to the hype. And it might just do that with Witcher 3 and MGS coming to PC. Mortal Kombat seems nice too.
What's in current developement right now is half life 2: Episode three. Developers said the episode 2 will conclude in episode three which IS NOT Half life 3. That's why they made the cliffhanger. I'm sure is there somewhere. Either they are making something awesome or they're just lazy.
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