In a world of madness it seems that the lowly gamer is being portrayed as being the maddest of the hatters. Everyday we are bombarded by news articles written by the uninformed and opinionated on the evils of gaming, and everyday you can hear the collective sigh of disgust from politicians, so-called religious "leaders", and the irresponsible parents who buy the games for their kids in the first place. The gaming industry as a whole has to constantly defend itself and fight just to get games released. Every time I read an article or a press release from these individuals or hear the complains of the parents I can't help but think we live in a world gone mad. Only humans can be so egotistical so as to blame everybody else for the problems in the world today with-out taking any responsibility for their own actions. Every time somebody hurts or kills somebody, or steals something it is the gun's fault, or the T.V.'s fault, or the newest scapegoat's (in this case the gaming industry) fault. Well I say the gun doesn't shoot itself and the T.V.s don't turn themselves on, and of course the game doesn't buy or play itself. Wars and crime came along long before these things did. For that matter, people killed each other with rocks and sticks before guns or media was even created. These naysayers and finger-pointers should play a few games and learn more about the industry as a whole before they rush to any judgements. pay attention! You are the adults, they are your children! Step up and take the responsibility to get involved in your kids lives. Spent some time with them and find out what they are interested in and check it out for yourself. If you think that some video or computer games are inappropriate, DON"T LET THEM PLAY THEM! Most of the games that you would consider inappropriate have been rated by people to warn you that they are only appropriate for certain age groups and ultimately, you have the final say on what games get bought or played. We adults should consequently be able to experience what we as individuals want to experience, we can make our own decisions. We all understand the current rating system for movies and music so we know what to expect. Well, it is the same way with games. And just because somebody is mentally unstable and does something wrong, don't blame games! Most of the time these individually would have done something eventually anyway and games are not the reason they behave the way they do.
There are many benefits to playing video/computer games that get overlooked by the general non-game-playing public. Study after study has been completed by well respected medical/scientific institutions that show the benefits of playing games. For example, improved hand-eye coordination, improved concentration, improved problem solving abilities, and even in some cases they can even improve cardiovascular circulation by providing a form of exercise to those people who would not normally participate in conventional exercise regimes. For parents in-particular, they can prove very beneficial. Games give them the opportunity to spend some quality family time by doing something together that the child is interested in doing. I develops the a fore mentioned areas as well as teaches the child togetherness and teamwork and shows them that you are willing to participate in things they like to do. This is not to say you should just plop them down pop in a game and let the game do your baby-sitting for you. Proper restrictions should be placed on the amount of time they spend playing video games so as they can lead a well rounded lifestyle. But how is this any different than regulating their other activities?
So, gamers take heart! This negative outlook on the gaming industry can only last for so long. Every time something new comes along (and let's face it, video gaming is still relatively new) there are always trials and tribulations that it must experience before it becomes a part of the mainstream. The best example I can think of that everybody can relate to is rock music. When rock music first appeared it was looked upon as being from the devil (Satan's Sudoku ring any bells?). It took a number of years before it was accepted as a form of music not Satan worship because the generations before just didn't understand the concept or it's allure. Now look at it! Most people can not imagine living without it. Such is the plight of the gamer and gaming industry. Give it a few years, perhaps even a decade, and people will feel the same way they do about rock now , they won't be able to imagine it not being a part of everyday life.
This is my one, only, and last time I will address this issue and I hope we will soon reach the end of this anti-gamer sentimentality as it is quickly beginning to be old hat. Thank you.
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