I been watching the E3 coverage for years and it really seems to be going downhill. While the presentation of the show here on gamespot was good the content being shown wasn't a shocking as in years past. Most companies already announced what was going to be seen at the show ..... and most of the trailers were already on the net before the showing. The hands-on stuff was really nice and I did like the stage demos ...... but where where the big shockers. Yeah there were a few surprizes like Resistance and Super Stardust on PSP, the Wii motion plus adding improved motion controls, Xbox 360 getting FF 13, Little Big Planet becoming the new power-point, and an online video store ...... but somehow it doesn't seem to measure up to past shows. Maybe a quiet show isn't the place to hype such big announcements.
Has the show lost it's meaning in the internet age. Or is this just a sign of the changing focus by gaming publishers? Is a Big Show necessary when it's so easy to get information out to the masses? Well IMO a big showing like E3 of the past is necessary, it hypes up the main stream media, the retailers, the consumers. Gamers get to see what's to come .... which is always a great thing. Good job this year Sony for show off stuff this year and beyond, Microsoft really needs to show more than this holiday season, Nintendo need to show off what made them great and stop pushing the gimmick, I'm hoping 09 is bigger and better.
E308 just didn't seem so big with the tone down show this year! The big show hype just make everything seem better IMO.