B0355218 / Member

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B0355218 Blog

Well, My UCB is gone :(

Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. It was fun while it lasted but i dont do sigs and stuff like that anymore, i dont really have much time for it. Thx to evry1 who visited there and especially thx to the mods that i had....

U have prob noticed i aint on ~GS much anymore, and havent bin in a while so if u wanna contact me ur best bet is to contact me on MSN, my email is


Also if i can be bothered im gunna make a new UCB, dunno wot about yet, prolly guild wars. If i dont do that then im just gunna delete my GS account.

*end of speach*

Hellsing Vector sig*updated*

Its my first ever vector whadda you guys think?

ok ive been told the scanlines and outlines should be taken off... any better...or not?

and a darker version