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Sony is pissing me off!

All right I have been getting pretty mad at Sony lately and what I read today on 1up just made me snap.  The article said that PS3 games might be more expensive than the 360 games.:shock:  What?!  It's hard enough for me to get enough money for the PS3, but having games more than $60 is just outragous!  If this is true, I don't know if I will get a PS3.  Also those stupid things Sony has been saying lately is getting me mad too!  With quotes saying the PS3 is too cheap, the PS3 is a computer and that computers are now obsolete, and that they could sell 5 million PS3's without selling any games is really getting to me!:evil:

And those of you who think I am a "Sony Hater" are way off, I am the biggest Sony fanboy you will ever find.  Almost every electronic thing in my house is Sony, including the computer I am now typing on.

At least Jeff Gerstmann actually posted on my blog which was awsome!:D  Maybe he will let me be on his friends list  haha I wish:P