[QUOTE="mems_1224"]THANK YOU GOD!!! i hate the steelers. worst team in the NFL-Big_Red-If they're the worse teem in the NFL, howcome they went to The Superbowl? musta been luck, just like the other 6 times they won the superbowl...
B3AN1E's forum posts
[QUOTE="mems_1224"]THANK YOU GOD!!! i hate the steelers. worst team in the NFL-Big_Red-If they're the worse teem in the NFL, howcome they went to The Superbowl? musta been luck, just like the other 6 times they won the superbowl...
Ill post mine tomorrow cuz my room is kinda fudged up after my tantrum watchin the game
Not just you :(I need a hug..:cry:
Do people seriously thing that by writing din da da din da da doo doo they will help anyone? Or am I the only one getting absolutely no clue from it? For the record, I could interpret it as the beginning of Song Of Storms: din da da! din da da! doo, dodododododooNude_DudeNopeeee but hey one can always hope :D and Overlord I appreciate the help anyways
i think it might be eminem's "a** like that", the lyrics go something like this
the way you move, i never beleive it, it never seen a a** like that,. everytime i see that show on mtv my pee pee goes..doing doing doing
Mhm nope its def not eminem... the voice didnt seem very familiarNo problem but sadly I cant describe it any better cuz I have the memory of a golfish.. It was definatley hip hopish and probably an african american whose singing it
I know this sounds retarded but Im looking for this song which i heard in a club... sadly I didnt remember the lyrics but yesterday when I was at boxing I heard it again playing in the background and tried remembering the lyrics to it.
the chorus goes something like this din da da din da da do do, oh yeah and he said something about "the way you move baby blablabla crazy" :Di know sounds retarded... but itsan awsome song to dance to and should be fairly new because Ive never heard it before
PLS dont laugh at me :/ and YES Ive been googling for hours
because they realized that they cant charge full price for such garbage like black ops... not that mw2 was much better but it didnt feel so mediocre
haha yeah I actuallyalready have lock stock and two smoking barrels and rock n rolla on dvdand blu ray and except for revolver I can say that I loved all of those movieslock stock and two smoking barrels, fight club, pulp fiction, revolver, rock n rolla. Love those movies and judging by your examples you probably would/do.
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