I hate all these gamers who say people with a high achievement score are losers with no lifes, thats bs!! I kno people have already said it bt Ive got a gawjus girlfriend who hates me playin xbox bt is quite happy 2sit there n watch me cos she knowsit makes me happy (Among other things)! BtI work out and have an excellent social life and i have an achievement score of 35,205 n ive only had mine about ten months, in which ive had 2send my xbox bk about7 times (NO LIE), 4 were repairs and 3 were complete relacements!!and if u give me another week, it'll probs be 37,000. Some gamers are just better than others and achievements come easy, others just have time on their hands, with me its a bit of both cos i work from home so i basicallyget 2play wheneva i dont work, I also own about 50 games give or take my latest trade ins which also helps the score bt my 35,000 is NOTHING!!! The highest gamer score in thw world last time i heard was around 170,000!!! N ifya wana meet some of thses people then rent Quake 4, most hardcore gamers have had it since release and there scores are in the 140,000!! Now thats INSANE!!!
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