.....that reason is just too.... lame?then I think tomorrow I will get the US published version instead of Canadian version....without the French manual
O well... I think maybe they will soon get it ....cause tons of people are asking...they might release earlier in EB just for you to know....
GameCentre at Charles and Yonge... said... it will be out tomorrow......From states.... but only few copies.... so... yeah....make sure you are there
I think Gamestop is in Toronto .... and I think thats my only hope.......EB has tons of Games in today..... and they were saying NO more heroes might be in one of the boxes.....but somehow after I asked one of the guy who work in there ... told me it will be there on Feb 1st...... T_Tanyway... gamestop told me it might be there tomorrow.......I hope.....see you guys at gamestop tomorrow then!!
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