I'm officially out of school for winter break. Two and a half weeks of no school! w00t! Actually, I've been sleeping in and skipping almost all this week so I'm probably not as relieved as I would if I went to school for more than just one or two days. O_o Oh yeah, today school was closed because of the storm.
Anyways, I'll be finishing getting the final character classes to their full list of weapons on Soul Calibur III and trying to beat the missions on hard mode and the medium difficulty ones that are giving me a stressful time. I'm also asking for Valkyrie Profile 2, FFXII, and Jak 3 for Christmas. So if I can get those I'll be kept busy for a while. I also have a lot of birthday money that I never spent from last weekend.
Tomorrow I'm going to my cousins' house for our little gift exchange and party thing. Then the next day I'll be going to my friend's house for his family's Christmas party. Then after that I have no idea.
But I'm trying to tag as much stuff as I can, I'm already at 289 tags right now and I'm aiming for at least 500 for that I can get the Tagger Leader emblem. And just a new emblem in general since I need twelve more games (PS2) before I can get the PS2 Aficionado emblem. Whew! Well, no worrying about stupid school.