ya, what my topic said :P
BET8390 Blog
PC or 360?
by BET8390 on Comments
ok, I usually don't use blogs to ask questions because I have my own brain :P But EVERY way I look at this question I still can't find an answer so here it goes:
Couple months ago I sold my Rig (a very good one, about 1 and a half years old) It was very painful because it took alot of time (and money) to put it together but I needed the money to go to Japan, Hawaii, Arizona and Mexico but all said and done it was worth it. SO NOW, I have a little less of a thousand dollars and I was wondering whether should build a new rig or buy a 360..I even drifted towards the thought of buying a pS3 but once that happened I Said No! to myself ofcourse :P
Simple Question: which should I buy? PC or 360
the are a bunch of games that I want on the PC (Crysis, Spore, etc.) but the 360 has a pretty decent line up.
Another Question: With Vista now out are most 360 cross platform? meaning both on the 360 and PC?
Thanks alot to anyone who is willing to give me their opinion.
ZOMG!! Lastest Naruto Manga: ANSWERS A FEW QUESTIONS and raises more *spoilers*
by BET8390 on Comments
Ok, FIrst off If you didn't read it just turn away now.
So If you've read the lastest chapter you'll know that Naruto's Father has been revealed and he is none other than The forth Hokage. "ZOMG!! I am NOT SuRPRISEd!!!?!??!!!!" The fact that the forth chosed Naruto could not have been a coincidence because no person would Seal a DEMO FOX in some random kid. I think most of ths was just inevitable and Masashi didn't plan it but it made sense to do so. Also the fact that the forth asked Naruto to be seen as a hero and what father would NOT want to see his son as a hero???
Interestly enough is that he forth's name was also revealed, Namikaze Minato. Naruto Uzumaki took his mother's last name, Kushina Uzumaki, which is very weird even for Japanese. Little is known about Naruto's mother But I think the Fact that she is From the Land of the Whirlpool AND her last name happens to be Uzumaki which means whirpool in Japanese could identify her coming from Noble ancestry. Ofcourse this is speculation and I KNOW ths was not intened but again it just Might be Inevitable as he story goes on.
Jiraiya and Tsunade's conversation in the lastest chapter described Naruto's Mother as red head who was tomboyish as she was growing up but "became" beatiful. It is also noted that Naruto has a fighting style more similr to his mother's than his fathers.
We pick up from the last chapter. Itachi catches up with Sasuke and teases him by asking whether or not he will scream and come running at him to attack. Sasuke does some Uber leet Ranged chidori attack and Itachi is lying on the ground phased. The scence breaks into ravens and Itachi tells Sasuke that they Will finish this at the Uchiha Hideout.
The secrets of the Uchiha have been hidden in this hideout for centuries, this is where Itachi figured out how to aquire the Mangekyou and Im pretty damn sure he found out something else.
So Its kinda Ironic that this is going to end where it all began. I think there is more behind the whole Uchiha clan murder and leaving sasuke behind to avenge him. ESPECIALLY SINCE ANOTHER UCHIHA HAS REAPPEARED IN THE SERIES!!! As you prolly know form the last chapters OBITO IS back and its seemshe plotting something when he mentions "the Secret of the Sharingan" . This Is starting to sound alot like theory I heard of an old Uchiha ritual or so mething that requires three powerful Sharingan users.
Anyways that was my 5 cents into this AMAZING CHAPTER that I barly scratched the surface of...What are your thoughts?
Im Back Home!!! Add Me as Teh Wi friend!! !*Pics Inside*
by BET8390 on Comments
Since my recent blogs were VERY long I decided to brief this up a bit.
I decided to put together a FAQ, ya of question you might have asked me :P
Q. How was your trip?
A. Amazing, I just wish I had my camera and the second part of it.
Q. What do you mean second part of it?
A. Well I Traveled from my home to Guam, Japan, and Hawaii where I stayed for a week. That was the first part which I spent with my family. The Second was with a Cousin in Azrizona. He picked me up at LAX and we hung out in LA for about a day and drove to Tuscon. From there we wnt to Mexico and some other places.
Q. Was your flight long?
A.DAMN RIGHT!! It was 31 hors long, connections included.
Q. Did you spend alot of money?
A. Hell Yes!!! I spent about 6 grand in the one month I was traveling, air fare was free compliments of my one pass miles 8)
Q. Any regrets?
A. A few but minor ones. Most of all is probably not bringing my camera on the second part of the trip. There were so many things That I would have loved to share with you guys and my friends Like when I was returning some guy walked up and sat right near me. And get what he busted out? THATS RIGHT, HARDCORE JAPANESE PORN!!! I speak Japanese pretty well and can write but I lack the cultural understanding to know if that was wrong :P
Anwyas here are mah pics:
As you can tell I live in the Future, Literally. Im atleast a day ahead of East coast US
If for some retarded reason you can't see it MY Wii SYSTEM CODE IS 2596 5009 1692 3138

My nephew was too tired to line up to take a pic with some Japnese Power ranges sooo....
...We Improvied :P
Anyways thats all for NoW I SEE ALL YOU GUYS LATER.
I GOTZ A Wii! -I've been everywhere man Japan, Hawaii, Arizona,California ...&qu
by BET8390 on Comments
Hope you dont mind the cheesy title but you'll get it you read this blog :P
So I got a Wii :P Picked it up as a "Bithday Present" for my nephew and as an alibi to get the money to get it :P Yes I'm evil, I know. As Some of you know I live out on a Island called saipan most you you guys probably never heard of it. Well I was in Japan, Nagoya for a couple days.
I got to ride a bullet train, or as the japanese call it the Shinkansen and it was freaggin awesome. I rode it into the nakayama plaza, a mall with alot of trains going in and out. I saw the japanese power rangers and made my nephew take pictures with them :lol:
I saw a Devil may cry Pachinko machine which was cool and apparently there is a new poketto monsutaa or pokemon as we call it movie out. As advertisement I saw alot posters and EVEN A FREAKIN TRAIN PAINTED WITH POKEMON!!! I wished I had taken a picture of it but I only saw it for a couples seconds before it rushed off.
After that We went to hawaii for a "vacation" but it was pretty lame because everything they had there I had at home, And at home I don't have to pay 24 dollars for a stupid pizza >_> apparently Hawaii is getting REALLY expensive. I got to watch Transformers and Die Hard while I was down there and both movies Were AWESOME!!!!!! nuff' said..Go watch t or die now
So as of now I'm Arizona visiting some family for the first time, my dad most of all. was Kinda scary at first but they're pretty nice people. My dad smokes too much... I told him every ime he smokes a hundred feet of he has to give me a dollar...I have 500 D0lars and I've only been here for 6 days :( don't know whether to be worried or happy..
Im going to LA tomorro for a Smash tournament but My cousin has a Wireless network card that works between most states so I'll be posting.
So my traveling has hindered my ability to post as much as I should so I AM VERY SORRY IF I CAN"T POST IN ALL YOUR BLOGS!!! I should be back home by August 25 and I'll post my pictures of when I was in Japan, SHould be interesting....
So I guess thats it. See you all later!
BIGGEST BLOG EVER! maybe my last :(
by BET8390 on Comments
I've been procrastinating this blog for about a week now so I apologize, I apologize for my lack of updates and the tardiness of this over anticipated blog:P I am over exicted over a Smash tourney (which I'll explain later) So I can't sleep, Its now 4 am and I still haven't gotten any slee which is why I decided to finish this massive blog. THIS IS A HUGE BLOG AND I WILL NOT UPDATE FOR A WHILE ( I may never actually) SO JUST READ WHAT YOU CAN OR WHAT YOUR INTERESTED IN AND COME BACK LATER FOR MORE....Because Its so Big I have to break it up into segments or chapters if you will:
1) My Graduation
2) The Smash tourney
3)My Summer
4) College
5) Rest of my Life
My Graduation -
Not alot of people here on GS know this, but as of June 2nd PST I graduated from high school. The spectacular part is not that I graduated while still failing one class, AP LA ( I refused to do the work) anyone can do that but I graduated as a Junior while still failing one CLASS!!! I graduated high school at the age of 16 and I feel Great :P For those of you who don't know I will be Turning 17 this August, Guess when's my Birthday? 8390 LOL. I did in three years what takes most 4 years and some 5 ...LOL R-Tards. J/K.
So I would Like to thank the AP Board for your treacherous classes that gave me extra cradits, My AP LA teacher who sued the school and fixed the credit system giving me three extra credits (liked the teacher, just hated the class and work), to Jostens, the company that manuefactured my cap & gown, a 60 dollar piece of SH!T That I will never use again, CAUSED ME TO SWEAT AND STINK Before the dinner I had at a hotel ( I bought a new shirt on the way :P) and to all the people who gave me money after graduation making the topic I'm about to discuss next possible, not like they'll ever read this but they deserve recognition none the less...and to My mom who couldn't be there, R.I.P :)
OH !...
And ofcourse all my friends here at GS who gave me a reason to procrastinate my work, Thank you!:P
The Smash Tourney -
Ahhh Smash, the king of all Fighters, a game that can be played casually as a brawler with friends or an Extremly deep and strategic 1 on 1 fighter, how I love you. I have wanted to organize a huge local tourney since last year but It seemed that flying to Japan (closer than the US main land, bout 2 hours away) was a cheaper solution and with the aid of sponsers, me and my three friends were able to do so. It was exciting even if it lasted for only a week. I got to meet Captain Jack (one of the best Japanese Smashers) and roam the streets of the Famous Akihabara prefecture, known as the anime and gaming capital of Japan.
So this year, with the generous "contributions" ^_^ that people have given me, which will mostly go into renting the Hilton Convention hall, I will hold a none profit Smash tourney That will be a BLOW OUT "going Away" party FOR SSBM and a HUGE kick Start of for Nexts years tourney Which will feature Brawl... If all goes well we can see this going on every year, a huge devlopement in the gaming community where I live :wink:
Me and my friends will be organizing the event starting next week and it is scheduled for the third weekend of July. It will be a two day event, a double elimination tourney with the Winners bracket on Day 1, Losers Bracket on day 2 and Finals on day 2. The 1st place winner will recieve 500 Dollars :shock: with the 2nd place either choosing a Wii prize pack or 300 dollars, the 3rd place winner would recieve which ever the 2nd place winner did not choose and 4th and remaining have not yet been discussed.
I would gladly record the Final matches if anyone could suggest a easy way to digitally record them in good quality.
My Summer -
Besides the Smash tourney my summer is pretty lame :P I'm gonna apply for a job at at computer outlet next week, I know I'll get hired and the pay is pretty good. Also a plus is that they run the local "Gamecon" so maybe they can help Sponser and run the tourney While I ownz it and take the Money :lol:
Depending on my sisters finances, I might be able to follow her to Hawaii to attend her Doctoral Classes at Argosy university, Its a yearly class but they are require to visit the campus for 3 weeks a year. Might be interesting I can go. My sister is telling me to go to Arizona and Visit my Dad, who I never really liked but ..IDK..Anyways I have to apply for alot of scholaships to make sure I can afford college when I leave this fall..Still haven't decided on whic college to go to...
What I would really like is for The Legend of Legacy Union to get back on its feet, I met alot of fun and great people there and now its totally dead, Ima spam peoples Inbox till they post!!!!!! LOL..but about my summer..i guess I don't have much to say, i usually just go with the flow
College -
As of now I feel Ill-prepared for college, mostly because I got out early when I did'nt expect it. A MIRACLE!! they told me 2 weeks before graduation. I only got accepted to 2 colleges so far and thats Utrecht in Netherlands and Stanfordm in Cali...both very good schools. Stanford is VERY expensive, Utecht has a VERY resonable tuition and Its in Europe!!! Although I might have to learn some Dutch to complete some classes. @ Mastersword, If I do go, we might be able to get that Melee Match after all ^_^
As for my goals, I'd like to major in computer science with a side major in Japanese, a feat that could easily be accomplished by going to Japan but it's too expensive to live there unless you are already established. Japanese Universities are very pretigious and for me as a "minority" coming form a small island almost no one has heard of, its easy for me to get into Pretigious colleges in the US because they need Diversity which is different from Japan who kinda discourages outsiders.
So..I'm kinda screwed there. If any one has some advice or resources they can offer or give to me that would be very helpful.
Rest of my Life -
If I can successfully accomplish my goals Everything would be smooth sailing from there. My dream job would be as a translator or Localist working for Nintendo either in the tech or Software department. NOA or NOJ would be fine as long as i work between the two of them. I'd like to live in Japan for a while, which is close to my home so no prob maybe even own some real-estate in US WEST! Another dream of mine would be to travel Europe from Sweden down to Greece and visit every place between...I probably would like to settle down with a family right back here were I grew up but still be able to move between the US, Japan and here..
Well thats about it for Now ..I hope that was enough Blog to satify you for a while LOL... Thanks you to anyone and everyone who read and will read this blog that took me so much time to write. My activity in the blogs has been icreasing lately so If you post I'll most likely notice you and post when i see your blog... Thanks again
Leaving Gamespot!!!!!
by BET8390 on Comments
Yes..I'm leaving gamespot..FOR EVER...! Its getting boring and the activity of my best friends have decreased dramatically almost to a point of not existing on GS... Vexx, Mastersword, Oldwomenslayer, Gamefanatic, Gameman, and with the exception of Fastesttruck who is still around but usually busy.
[spoiler] I'm just joking... :P I'm not leaving forever...My Ap exams are in a week and I REALLY need to study...I got alot of projects /work to do from now till then and If I want to get out this year I gotta pass all my classes. To Anyone from the LoZLU I was joking about that post I made..If you could not tell >_> I'm getting PK Diamond by tomorro but won't play it for a week...or so.. AND WHEN I OFFICIALLY RETURN I EXPECT EITHER VEXX OR MASTERSWORD TO HAVE IT!!! If not you will die :P So I'm not leaving forever just for a week or so..but again I might come on once and a while and do some sporatic posting..So To all my friends See you later!!! [/spoiler]
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