I get like that too sometimes :P some games are so great that i can't decide which one to go back to and give a shot on the hardest difficulty! I love games with great replay value such as those Rock Band and Guitar Hero games and also games that are more free roaming so you can go back to them and almost edit the story in a way that you want it to develop! :)
Unfortunatly I won't be able to play the GoW3 beta because i won't be pre-ordering the game but i think from videos i have seen it looks absolutly amazing and can't wait for it to be released later this year!
to have somewhat decent quality without getting the rabbit gnawing on my wires, i go for the offical xbox360 wireless headset - charge it through out the day and when i get home it lasts until i come off, i've had it for quite a long time now and its still going strong!
About that, recently as in the last few days i have found that i cannot connect to any servers in any game mode or i must create a new lobby, im pretty baffeled, i think some people must play GTA?
I think it has a great effect, if a game has a deep and somewhat dark story, making some of the graphics in the game dark in the the most intense times adds to the effect the game has on the player, such as limbo.
I havent seen that happen as im usually in party chat but other than that i've been in quite a few lobbies with people that just do what they can to annoy you so just beware like said before
I would say its the best third-person online game I've played plus the extras such as the ballad of gay tony, add to the awesomeness :) to tell the truth its so much better when playing free roam or GTA races with your friends :)
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