BIG-WAVE-DAVE's forum posts
first, turn your wii on and go to internet connections in settings, delete the connection for your wifi. then, go restart your computer. once your computer's on, open up the wifi utility and make sure everything looks okay. go to your wii, and re-esablish the connection. (having to verify it on the computer again). my cousin's wifi thinger has some problems too, but most of them are because his computer's full of spyware and barely runs and they never turn it off and he's computer illiterate. then, test the connection on your wii, and turn wiiconnect 24 on and crank up all your options. Breakfast_Clubberi attempted this entire method with no success, but thank you anyway. and how do i set my internet connection to share?
okay so here's my problem. i have just purchased the new Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector. (the one that plugs right into your computer.) I look on my computer screen for the current status on whether or not im connected and it says i am, so i walk over to my Wii (about 15 feet away from my computer.) and everytime i try to either look at the weather channel or any other online compatible function, it says that my WiiConnect24 is turned off and that i need to turn it on in order to get a sign. I've tried everything, from rebooting the entire system to turning WiiConnect24 on and off again. So please, if anyone has any information on as to how i should fix this, im all ears. and btw, the Wi-Fi USB Connector WAS working previously today until it decided to stop.
PS. if this is the wrong place to post a call for help, then by all means move this topic. im just trying to find out what the hell happened.
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