It will be interesting to see if it gets an 8.0. The thing that made halo better than other fps is that it had vehicles, gun bash, and system link co-op play. Halo 2 has duel weld, more vehicles, and more system link co-op play. Just because a game has slightly beter graphics dosent mean it will get a higher score than before. Halo 3 better offer something more than what has been done before. Something different in the way of game play not just 2 new guns or you start out with a different gun than in previous halo games. Gears was different because of the in depth cover element and I think thats the reason its got so high of a score. If you look at a game like C&C generals and generals Zero Hour and Warcraft 2 and frozen throne you will notice that the expansions got lower scores than the original games. Even though the expansions add so much more content it literally changed the game. If you look at the first starcraft it got a 9.1 and C&C zero hour got an 8.5. Warcraft 3 got a 9.3 and I think that warcraft 3 is a little bit better than starcraft for the time. I understand that those examples are of expansions but with the advances that have already been made its possible that this runs the risk of being another expansion. A "been there done that" a "nothing to see here move along people" type of thing. So in conclusion I think the ratings are based on the standard of the day and not the overall quality of games from the very beginning. Whats new and innovative and impressive today is not so after its been played duplicated and exploited tomorrow. So halo 3 will probably will be better than the other halo games. But how much better? If its marginally better than halo 2 8.5 at best. I love halo and I bought a xbox for halo. I love halo 2 and I still play both on my 360 so I don't consider myself a troll hater flamer. And yes I do have my copy of halo 3 reserved and paid for in full at EB games.
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