Shogo: Mobile Armor Division is an old PC game, you can get it for cheap from It has separate on-foot and in-mech missions, a long campaign, and a variety of weapons. Problems are the graphics are very dated, the characters can come off as bland, and the multiplayer is dead.
"You can just call him the jerk who hates all the things you love and loves all the things you hate." Well that's true. Obviously not a fan of the classics or he would have known that since this is a remake, its not going to be a big show stopper Game of the Year. The classic controls were tight and the only faults ever happened was due to the player. The music is the best thing about the game because its what Capcom was good at back in the day, not only that, they were best at level design. Just look at the MegaMan games.
Gamespot just needs someone else to do this review. Perhaps someone who actually appreciates nostalgia.
BIGMercenary's comments