At this link lies a story that kinda sounds like old people getting further away from the times, I'll give you a sec to read it
....Done? Okay, what the hell is up with this woman??? #1, the ESRB ratings are generally viewed as suggestive, hell I don;t even notice the ratings symbol on any game package when I look at them. You don't see the television ratings system (i.e TV-14, TV-MA, etc.) being enforced by politicans. They just said "Hey, let's let parents know what the show is rated so they can decide on whether or not their children can watch it." They allowed for parents to choose what to let their kids watch, ooooo so maybe kids who are 12 or 13 have parents who think that a TV-14 rating on a show is a bit extreme and allows them to watch, maybe because they KNOW the kids BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE.
HOLD IT!!!! I just said "parents", which must mean that children have parents. That leads to #2, the ratings system, like in television, is for parental discretion, in my opinion. It is a parent's duty as a parent to be in their child's life and make sure that they aren't playing video games that they do not think are appropriate. The government and Mrs. Clinton seem to think possibly one of two things: 1-Children don't have parents or 2-Parents nowadays are not fit to make decisions about what their kids play.
WELL, IF PARENTS CANNOT ENFORCE THEIR OWN AUTHORITY, WHY DOESN'T THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT COME DOWN HERE AND COOK DINNER FOR THEM THEN??? Government enforces the law and makes new ones that will be a betterment for society but when you start to invade parental territory, that's when we as a people should all rise as one and slay them (to quote one of my comedic gods, Lewis Black). Hilary is just pissed that she can't control her own kid and is now trying to control the rest of them in this country. Can we please stop these people? Freedom of choice is becoming more and more like "freedom of governmental choice."