okay so november 2007 is a big month for gamers, since lots of very anticipated games are due to release that month. some games that im looking forward to that are coming out then, and perhaps later are:
Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Army of Two, Conan, Guitar Hero 3, Jericho (maybe... not so sure about this one), Kane and Lynch, Unreal Tournament 3, Devil May Cry 4, annnd... Lost Odyssey... i guess.
so yeah its a pretty long list but they all seem pretty cool to me. some games that are already out that i have yet to get are skate, the orange box and stranglehold. I might just rent stranglehold, but im for sure picking up the other 2 soon.
and who knows, my family is never really into buying me video games when it comes to xmas or birthdays, but hopefully they'll be feelin it this year and i might get a couple of those up there off the to-get list. or i could just get cash and buy them myself :D
anyways, if i have time later this next week i might write a review on halo 3, but i know im going to need some time for that one since it will probly be yet another long review so check up on that later if you want.
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