Gearbox software is getting worse. There way to obsessed of the Borderlands Franchise. Plus choosing Gearbox to make a Aliens game? The game kinda felt like playing borderlands, Awesome guns but stupid AI. Sega alone could make it better. But we gotta wait and see how Creative Assembly is gonna make theres. At least there getting help from Cyrtek Veterans.
@Suikogaiden True, But its a simple game where you can play with others and create a world which you been thinking of. I don't play MineCraft because it is just not my kind of game nore style. But it does waste time, and to make your creativity flow.
But for creativity, i just play Garrys Mod, Minecraft block fortress with Gears of War Characters fighting off ODST Troopers while Surviving an Army of Starship Trooper Warrior Bugs? You just cant beat that lol
@TrueGB @unreal_master Exactly...All you have to do is stay away from EA....just stay far away as possible.Thank god, Valve turned down EAs $1.7 Billion buyout offer.
Vavle and Mojang as partners but giving each other the space to make there own decision? would be great.
@TERMINATOR-SSD hell i still play Battlefield 2142 from time to time, but having a reboot of it or Battlefield 2143 like you said in Next-Gen Engine would be Flawless and a No Brainer
@Jawehawk-DK Battlefield 3 was a foundation. Because EA rushed the Release. DICE confirmed that the Game was only half way done. But EA thought it was great already, and rushed the release. Battlefield 3 is not horrible, no where close. Because it offers so much entertainment for Any kind of FPS Gamer. From Vehicles, to Sniping, to Close Quarters Etc. An again, DICE did not want to make the $50 Premium. EA wanted that to compete with Call of Duty.
But Battlefield 4 is gonna be for Next-Gen of course. So no one will know, how it will look till months from now.
@ioriaddison True but everyone got to understand this is not DICE's doing, EA is the one who tells them to do it this way for more money. Thats EAs' way of making money then worrying about the Customers and the gamers more.
BLADE7715's comments