Got my 3ds 2day and signed into the e shop for the ambassador program . Now when i first did it the message saying i was an ambassador was in the news section. I go on it again later in the day and the message is no longer there. Was it suppose to disappear or did i do something wrong?
BLADEMASTR's forum posts
Been watching vids of star fox 2 and was thinking that the whole strategy map thing would make a pretty good multilayer mode. have team star fox on one side of the map and star Wolf on the other. The goal would be to reach and destroy the others base (venom/ corneria). You could capture enemy planets to fire missiles or warp your troops closer to the enemy. Of course if people just want to have dog fights they can still just jump into it as a separate mode but the command mode would be for people wanting a little more.
Combine this with a 64 style single player(80% on rails/ 1-2 tank/ maybe 1 one on foot) and i would be very happy.
I can't seem to find any new info or reviews on it. Looked pretty good and was wondering if it got any good previews or scores.
Personally i'd like for them to team up with Double Fine to make a new startropics game. I think it would be a good fit for them as their games have a lot of humor and creativity.
Monster Games the guys who made the new excite games could make a new F-Zero or even bring back mach rider.
But i really want Retro to make a new crystalis (i think Nintendo owns the rights to the game still but i could be wrong). Could you imagine what they could do with that game. (drools)
What do you guys think(sorry if this has already been done).
Was wondering if anybody has heard of this game. Looks kinda like xenoblade mixed with pikmin.
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