The thing is I erased my password from before and have no idea what it was =( so i can't even re-enter my old password im screwed lol!!! GRRR
BLiZZaK07's forum posts
Okay I was wondering haha! I can wait...Wish I didn't have too but im a PS+ Subsriber they'll get me back =)
Just my wife isn't too happy she can't watch her shows or kids movies on netflix lol
Thanks for the quick response
I have downloaded/installed the latest update last night...But I've gone to the website and i've done it through the playstation when it finally let me after saying "server undergoing maintenance" for a while.
Anyways i've asked it to email me a new password/reset my password twice now and my account is setup on a account...anyways i'ts been over 10 hours since I did the initial one and I did it again about an hour ago I have yet to see an email.....GRRR!
Anyone else have this issue or what's going on?
Thank You!
Is it time for me to get it? ,,,just curious if it's really worth it and worth the fun for the family...I have a wife that loves games like Flower and stuff and a 10 year old and a 3 year it worth it to pick it up?? Im just not sure it's worth a investment yet...just curious on what everyone has experienced with it.
I have $15 to spend on a game or two...I was deeply looking into Deathspank but now im not sure....what would everyone reccomend as the best game on the network...I already have Gripshift and Lemmings and a few others like Flower and Calling all cars.
They offer a 120GB Slim replacement...I'm pretty sure its refurbished factory one but they seem to not have any issues...I didn't really use the SD slot or extra USB ports on the 60GB nor did I really use the Backwards compatibility so that's no big loss for me....I just want a reliable system and i'm frustrated I have to wait 2 1/2 weeks to now to get a PS3 back.
So instead of getting my 60GB replaced or repaired i'm taking the 120GB slim offer which is $30 cheaper and still gotta fork out $150 though.
should I go with the slim? I mean i guess i really don't play my Ps2 games on it....But thing is I need to call them to cahnge my order but they are closed already on Sunday...they better change it for me and give me my GOD OF WAR 3 DISK BACK!!!! grrrr
I'd rather be on my 2nd or 3rd DS3 then my 2ND PLAYSTATION 3! Mine just gave me the YLOD after launch day buy...and now im expected to pay over $200 to replace it.
Also my GOW3 Disk is still in the freaking there's another $50 down the gosh what a horrible night. F-ing ridiculous sony that you just force us to feed you another $200 after we spend $600 at launch for it....
I JUst didn't think it would happen to mine! BUT Tonight as soon as im excited to finally play GOW3 with some free time...I try to turn on my system this is after Firmware updating it last night and turning it off only after playing about 20 minutes of GOW3...anyways I have the original 60GB PS3 and it is now toast ..
I clean/dust it ALL the time and take good care of it...and unfortunutely this there any for sure fix out there for fixing this or am I just out of luck and expected to pay the $192 to sony to get myself a new/old fat PS3 cause I like the ports and backwards compatibility over the slim one which they offer you for like $30 less
Is there an easy/for sure fix for it since I know its the HDD or whatever??? or am i just out of luck here...I'm thuroughly upset right now and sure wish my PS3 wasnt dead....So much for taking good care of something mattering....what a waste of money.
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