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#1 BLuFAlc0n
Member since 2007 • 550 Posts

....none of the above deserves the title.... sorry...

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#2 BLuFAlc0n
Member since 2007 • 550 Posts

...I can't believe some people doesn't like FFXIII, it's the best RPG released this year! Having "No Towns" or something like that didn't annoy me, and the characters really attached to the game really well, not only that, but sound quality, graphic quality and performance quality is definitely 11/10!

FFXIII's (PS3) cutscenes outperforms MGS4, Uncharted 2, Mass Effect 2, any it! This game just made everything look real-istic, even I could see \lightning's and Snow's face having real features in them. Story is well made, and seriously...I don't se anything bad about this game apart from having only 36 Trophies in the game, but that was counterd by having 4 Gold Trophies and 7 Unlockable Themes! There could be some hard times playing the game, but that's just regular. The game feels near-perfect for me, but not perfect, having said that, it's still an awesome game.

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#5 BLuFAlc0n
Member since 2007 • 550 Posts



So aside from fanboy nonsense, does anybody know of any worthwhile extras for any specific version? Like a bluetooth turntable for the PS3, wiimote/nunchuck/balance board spiffiness for Wii or avatar use for Wii/360? I've looked around a bit & can't find any cold hard facts, what's the word on the street I would like to purchase asap but want the best version obviously.


I would take the Wii out of the equation, then choose away.

The Wii's limited space doesn't make for a good DLC library, even with a large memory card, not to mention the graphical fidelity, and online structure.

Great machine, but I avoid PS360 multiplats on the Wii...I think you would probably actually know this, right?

ya avoid ghost busters,sonic unleashed, shaun white snowboarding, tiger woods 10 on the wii, you wont like the superior version :P

lol, don't forget to mention Guitar Hero 5 and World Tour...

I'm not sure about any specific features. But I'll go for and bought the PS3 version (Renegade Edition, bought mine quite cheap) over the Wii and 360 versions, only because that the Renegade tables also works for PS2 (and to get trophies). Wii and 360 versions aren't backward compatible, that's the only things I could really point out, but it's virtually identical.

However, the Wii version is cheaper in UK shops for the Renegade Edition (Wii's £99GBP vs PS3/360's £170GBP), and the Wii doesn't have any Promotional codes, but can download songs individualy (in PS3/360, you have to buy the whole thing).

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#6 BLuFAlc0n
Member since 2007 • 550 Posts

It's gotta be the PS3 version. Why?

*It's cheaper overall (360 needs to pay for online, they're both (console versions) laggish)

*Outfits are cheaper

*Control Scheme is better

*Button Layouts are better.

*Collector's Edition of the PS3 version is more worth it, because it has Blu-Ray with it.

*Game layout suits better on PS3

*Textures and Clothes details are better on PS3.

*Opening on PS3's are better.

*Trohies can be turned in Japanese.

Well, Online is both laggish, and the rest feels pretty fells much the same, I just don't like going to menus and seeing the 360 layout buttons.

I'll be better with the stick though instead of a controller.

Although it sounds biased, the PS3 version is definitely better!