Okay I'm done being angry with the GS staff writers. They are biased towards the 360 for whatever reason. We know that and it's CNET's problem, not ours. It's the business model they wish to present, so be it. Logically, a business only continues a practice if it's being compensated for that effort. Otherwise why alienate a large amount of potential subscribers in this way? If this isn't the case, then they are just foolish. Most of the "fanboys" react the way they do because they can only have ONE of the new EXPENSIVE consoles, NOT both. Yes, $400.00 is expensive too, don't kid yourself that it's not. When I see someone scream that the PS3 is too expensive I know it's because their parents bought them a 360 and laid down the law about further spending. Don't be jealous of the those that were able to get a PS3, go enjoy your 360 and forget about it. Bashing the PS3 won't put one in your hands any sooner. There's always time later. In an ideal world we could each have 3 consoles and still have enough money to buy games too. It's not an ideal world - games are $60.00 now. We must choose wisely or risk blowing a budget. Me, I want it all and save accordingly. Bring on that new improved version of the 360 and I'm there. Right now the PS3 is the best choice for hardware IMO. It's too bad gaming has gotten so serious. Where's the fun?
Wow, GS shows it's bias against PS3 again with this thinly veiled "backhanded" feature. The only reason you people need to buy a PS3 is to keep your jobs as "game industry journalists". That term is more of joke than I can convey here, but you get the idea. The PS3 and it's users will surely move on without you. So you might as well go back to your XBL accounts and bury your heads in the sands of Halo and all the false hype that goes with it. I haven't been this excited about a new technology in a long time. The Cell is the future, gaming or not - it begins now. Get on or get left behind. I'm happy for 360 users that they have games they like to play, but I'm not going to buy into all the MS bank-rolled yellow press. The 360 is nothing new, it's the status quo, not the future.
BOGATOR1's comments