they said it was gonna be right after gtaiv didnt you hear thats why la noir is a exclusive they signed a damn contract....the last thing microsoft gets is the dlc for iv remember they got pissed at microsoft look it up in google.
if anything i played oblivion on pc and it ruined the experience as i couldnt walk n look around easy enough on that gay keyboard mouse set up... on ps3 i look around the same as i would in real life.......doing 180s in the air on halo dead locked on my target shooting all at once... like i said im kratos meets master cheif on crack steroids and chuck norris on the side
i find controller is easiest for me because the keyboard has too many buttons lol...i play halo with my wired 360 controller on pc n i kill killtacular in the enemy spawn point on blood gulch...evade sniper fire...kill the team 6 times over before they finaly get me....none beat me when it comes to double teaming as i jump look down press b kill one charge the other stafing left to right jump shoot in the head pinstol whip to the back.. im like a ufc fighter with chuck norri9s master cheif kratos high on crack with steriod injection on halo pc with my controller
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