BPoole96 / Member

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Another Broken PS3

With just over a year since my last one (previous PS3 broke November 8th, 2008 ), my PS3 has decided to fail on me again. The one I was using was a refurbished 60GB BC that Sony had sent me since my last one was not fixable. I figured that it wouldn't last very long, and I was right.

Yesterday I was playing Borderlands and while I was playing the system just shut itself off. I turned it back on and everything was fine for the rest of the night. Today I turned it on and played for about 15 minutes and then it died for good. This is exactly what happened the last time: power supply failure.

I'm pretty annoyed because I was really enjoying Borderlands, and I think I was getting close to the end of the game. I'll most likely have to redo all of it. I'm hoping that my saved data will still be there when I get my system back.

In the meantime, I already went and bought a new PS3 Slim to fill the void. It may sound dumb for buying for owning 2 PS3's but one of them is a potential gift. If I get my broken PS3 back and all my saved data is there, the Slim will be my brother's Christmas gift. If it's not there, I keep the Slim and he gets the one sent from Sony.

Well that's about it for now. I'll be picking up my copy of the God of War Collection to be playing all weekend. Can't wait to play through those again. I still have Demon's Souls to play through as well as Tekken 6. Borderlands will have to wait since it's trapped in my PS3...
