Which Gaming console is better the xbox 360 or ps3
by BULKYKID98 on Comments
People fight over which gaming console is better the xbox 360 or ps3 but first lets talk about the good things for xbox 360. First the xbox 360 has just made a new gaming object called the xbox kinect which is really cool because you don't need to put plastic on your wrist it just senses your body movement. Next is that you earn game points that you can use to buy some games on the market place. And you have a avatar that you customize to show off or whatever and the way you get awards is by playing games or buying them at the avatar market place on xbox live. Now for the ps3, First of all it has free online multiplayer which you don't need to pay for at all. Next is that they made something new to called the ps3 move but you still need to hold it but still fun. Next is that the ps3 has a store to online that could be on sale or be at normal prices. And it mostly has all the games playable on the xbox 360 exept the HALO SERIES and specially in the halo series HALO REACH. so the xbox 360 does not have free multiplayer online ,The ps3 move you still have to hold in your hand,ps3 does not have halo reach,xbox and ps3 both have marketplaces. SO WHICH CONSOLE IS THE BEST? WE MAY NEVER KNOW.it depends on the person.....
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