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Which Gaming console is better the xbox 360 or ps3

People fight over which gaming console is better the xbox 360 or ps3 but first lets talk about the good things for xbox 360. First the xbox 360 has just made a new gaming object called the xbox kinect which is really cool because you don't need to put plastic on your wrist it just senses your body movement. Next is that you earn game points that you can use to buy some games on the market place. And you have a avatar that you customize to show off or whatever and the way you get awards is by playing games or buying them at the avatar market place on xbox live. Now for the ps3, First of all it has free online multiplayer which you don't need to pay for at all. Next is that they made something new to called the ps3 move but you still need to hold it but still fun. Next is that the ps3 has a store to online that could be on sale or be at normal prices. And it mostly has all the games playable on the xbox 360 exept the HALO SERIES and specially in the halo series HALO REACH. so the xbox 360 does not have free multiplayer online ,The ps3 move you still have to hold in your hand,ps3 does not have halo reach,xbox and ps3 both have marketplaces. SO WHICH CONSOLE IS THE BEST? WE MAY NEVER depends on the person.....

The change of halo over the years

The change of halo is very big starting from the halo before halo combat evolved I think it was supposed to be for the mac operating system. But anyways it wasn't released to the public to use.Then came the halo combat evolved that got rated high and got awards for a awesome sci-fi first person shooter.It didn't have the best graphics but the storyline really made sense.Then halo 2 and this time the storyline I really didn't get but the multiplayer was great.And the difference was that you could hold a SMG what they didn't have in halo CO.Then came halo 3 thsi time your only enemy's those monkeys on steroids and the grunts that are really easy to kill.But for me the game was too fast and I managed to beat the game in one day on my spare time.Then came halo reach the best halo in the series with forge that for me was really fun.Then the multiplayer was cool too,the campaign was kinda boring in the first half of it but in the beginning and the end was fun I think that's pretty muck all the halos...bye

What was dead rising case west like?

When I got this game I was like this game will be better than the the other dead rising games. And when I played it didn't dissapoint at all. The campaign is awesome to play, online co-op ain't bad too. Not a bad game to download on the xbox 360 marketplace.worth wasting the last remaining space on my xbox 360.

Call of duty black ops: multiplayer

Call of duty is one of the games that came after a war series Medal of honor and quickly became a good selling first person shooter. So now about the multiplayer of Call of duty black ops' for me it's almost similar to modern warfare 2 multiplayer. But the differences are that the kill streaks are new like attack dogs. And the maps are bigger and gives you more advantage to hide and shoot your opponents. Even guns are new and customizations for your character like face paint and different bodys. But overall the game is awesome same as the campaign......bye.

Is Medal of Honor 2010 a good game?

So is medal of honor 2010 a good fps,yes I think it is because first is the online Multiplayer it's so intense it makes you feel in the war. And customizable weapons make it more cooler to play online. And the story for medal of honor 2010 is astonishing,as you play as 3 different characters as you fight through a modern war. That's why I think Medal of honor 2010 is a good fps for ps3 and Xbox 360.