When I wrote my review of Command and Conquer: The First Decade, I had completely ignored going through the original, Covert Operations and Red Alert, as it was my understanding that there is no way EA will downgrade those games. However, in light of many people's complaints, I have played through them and found a litany of problems:
- online play does not work at all
- music is either incoherent or nonexistent at all
- a litany of crashes and errors
- the Soviet movies simply DO NOT WORK in Red Alert's campaign
Shame on you EA for releasing what was obviously a money-grab at the Command and Conquer fans out there. I have changed my review to reflect these shams, and if in due time, no patch is released my review will be drastically downgraded even more.
That is all ... oh and Hamlet is crapp! Happy Valentines Day all.
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