Oh, how I love old games...
by BaOK-8 on Comments
So on Monday my computer bit the dust, well at least the motherboard did. This, of course, means that I lost everything on my computer that wasn't backed up and I need to send my comp in for two weeks because it's under warentee (which is good!). However, two weeks without video games is kinda tough for me, being that it is summer and I don't start my job yet. So instead of playing new games like GTA4 and Fallout 3 on my G-force 9600 with 4 gigs of ram, I started playing Morrowind on my parents old crap computer. Holy hell did I miss that game. After having fun playing that one for a while, I began to wonder how many games I just completely forgot about. I guess this is more food for thought then anything, but it was a trip reminiscing about all those games that I never touch anymore like Morrowind, Diablo, Starcraft and Neverwinter Nights. So I guess I would encourage you to break out some old games and just go nuts, see how far games have come in the past years (or decade for me). Enjoy that. Peace, BaOK-8